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English-German translation for: wasted
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Dictionary English German: wasted

Translation 1 - 33 of 33

English German
ADJ   wasted | more wasted | most wasted
VERB  to waste | wasted | wasted ... 
SYNO   squandered | wasted | atrophied ... 
wasted {adj} {past-p}
wasted {adj} {past-p}
wasted {adj} [coll.]
wasted {adj} [Am.]
fertig [ugs.] [am Ende]
wasted {adj} [esp. Am.] [sl.]
kaputt [ugs.] [Zustand nach dem Drogen- oder Alkoholkonsum]
wasted {adj} [esp. Am.] [sl.] [very drunk]
stockbesoffen [ugs.]
wasted {adj} {past-p}
vertan [vergeudet, verschwendet]
wasted {adj} [emaciated]
wasted {adj} {past-p} [Am.] [sl.]
wasted {adj} [of an organ or body part]
wasted {adj} {past-p}
wasted {adj} {past-p} [Am.] [sl.]
sb. wasted
jd. verschwendete
2 Words: Others
(totally) wasted {adj} [coll.] [drunk]total besoffen [ugs.]
wasted away {past-p}gesiecht [veraltet]
wasted away {past-p}dahingesiecht / hingesiecht
2 Words: Verbs
to get wasted [sl.] [get drunk]sichDat. die Kante geben [ugs.] [Redewendung] [sich betrinken]
2 Words: Nouns
wasted effortvergebliche Mühe {f}
wasted effortvergeudete Mühe {f}
law wasted expenditure {sg}vergebliche Aufwendungen {pl}
wasted lifeLebensgeröll {n} [literarisch]
wasted lifevergeudetes Leben {n}
wasted opportunitiesnicht genutzte Möglichkeiten {pl}
wasted talentungenutztes Talent {n}
wasted timevergeudete Zeit {f}
wasted timeverschwendete Zeit {f}
wasted timevertane Zeit {f}
3 Words: Others
wasted (on drink) {adj} [sl.] [esp. Am.]versoffen [ugs.]
3 Words: Verbs
idiom to be wasted on sb.an jdn. verschwendet sein
4 Words: Others
sth. is all wasted on sb.etw. ist (bei jdm.) pure Verschwendung
5+ Words: Others
quote I'm wasted on cross-country. We dwarves are natural sprinters! Very dangerous over short distances! [The Lord of the Rings]Querfeldein bin ich nicht zu gebrauchen. Wir Zwerge sind eher geborene Sprinter. Mordsgefährlich über kurze Entfernungen!
Subtlety is wasted on him.Feine Andeutungen nützen bei ihm nichts.
proverb Time wasted is time lost.Verschwendete Zeit ist verlorene Zeit.
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A 2016-11-23: Much to the chagrin of my father, an avid and good bridge player, I have n...
A 2016-02-20: wasted?
A 2013-02-09: We wasted plenty on solar energy.
Q 2011-05-20: Is it possible to spend/have spent wasted time (doing sth) somewhere/doing...
A 2011-01-21: zwischen "Wasted" und Heating müsste meiner Meinung nach noch irgendwas wi...
A 2011-01-21: Wenn die nämlich anstatt "wasted" "lost" geschrieben hätten, dann hätte ic...
A 2010-05-04: Time's a-wasting - time is being wasted, time is passing
A 2010-05-02: getting wasted
A 2009-11-12: squandered it/wasted it/dribbled it away/failed to exploit it
A 2009-10-07: Indeed, waste is the word. if something is "one" it cannot be wasted. Onen...
A 2009-09-12: seven years of it and nothing but a "großes latinum" to be showing for it,...
A 2009-09-12: oh my feeble wits & all my years of wasted latin, your phrase is: about th...
A 2009-08-18: I told myself a hundred times that renouncing all intercourse was the cruc...
A 2009-08-18: lost and wasted
Q 2009-06-17: A day without Schiller is wasted:
A 2009-03-11: I'm happy about the time we've had together, even if it was wasted.
Q 2009-03-11: Even if i had wasted my time, i'm glad about the time we had got..??
A 2008-11-17: You've wasted your chances/opportunities
A 2008-09-26: wasted time and expense
A 2008-07-19: to get totally wasted (pissed)

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