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English-German translation for: wasting
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Dictionary English German: wasting

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VERB  to waste | wasted | wasted
wasting | wastes
SYNO   atrophy | wasting | wasting away ... 
wasting {adj} {pres-p}
wasting {adj}
wasting {adj} [illness]
wasting {adj} {pres-p}
med. wasting
Schwindsucht {f} [veraltend]
wasting sth.(das) Aasen {n} mit etw. [regional] [das Verschwenden von etw.]
2 Words: Others
resource-wasting {adj}ressourcenverschwendend
wasting away {adj} {pres-p}siechend [veraltet]
2 Words: Nouns
geol. mass wastingMassenbewegung {f}
med. muscle wastingMuskelabbau {m}
med. muscle wastingMuskelschwund {m}
med. muscular wastingMuskelschwund {m}
sports time wasting [in football]Spielverzögerung {f}
sports time wasting [in football]Zeitspiel {n}
time-wastingZeitverschwendung {f}
wasting assetverfallender Vermögenswert {m}
wasting diseasezehrende Krankheit {f}
VetMed. zool. wasting disease [e.g. in piglets]Kümmerkrankheit {f} [z. B. bei Saugferkeln]
VetMed. wasting disease [e.g. in weaning pigs]Kümmern {n} [z. B. von Saugferkeln]
ecol. wasting energy [also fig.](das) Verschwenden {n} von Energie [auch fig.]
wasting iceToteis {n}
wasting money(das) Verschwenden {n} von Geld
3 Words: Others
Stop wasting (sb.'s) time!Höre auf, (jds.) Zeit zu verschwenden!
idiom Time's a wasting!Keine Zeit verschwenden!
3 Words: Nouns
(deliberate) time-wasting [e.g. in sports]Zeitschinden {n} [z. B. im Fußball]
VetMed. zool. chronic wasting disease <CWD>Chronic Wasting Disease {f} <CWD> [chronische Auszehrungskrankheit bei Hirschartigen]
ecol. wasting of energyEnergieverschwendung {f}
ecol. wasting of waterWasservergeudung {f}
ecol. wasting of waterWasserverschwendung {f}
4 Words: Others
You're wasting your breath!Spar dir die Worte!
idiom You're wasting your breath.Du redest umsonst.
You're wasting your breath. [idiom]Sie können sich Ihre Worte sparen. [formelle Anrede]
4 Words: Nouns
med. cerebral salt-wasting syndrome <CSWS>zentrales Salzverlustsyndrom {n}
med. cerebral salt-wasting syndrome <CSWS>zerebrales Salzverlustsyndrom {n}
VetMed. postweaning multisystemic wasting syndrome <PMWS>Kümmersyndrom {n} der Absatzferkel
VetMed. vomiting and wasting disease <VWD>VW-Krankheit {f} [Vomiting und Wasting]
VetMed. vomiting and wasting disease <VWD> [young pigs]Erbrechen {n} und Kümmern der Saugferkel / Ferkel
5+ Words: Others
idiom without wasting any words on sth. {adv}ohne ein Wort über etw. zu verlieren
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Q 2017-12-15: phosphate-wasting disease
A 2016-09-10: What is smart about fools wasting their time on mobile phones? In my exper...
A 2015-10-25: If you think I am annoying I shall prove you right by not wasting a second...
A 2012-09-17: wasting - Schwindsucht
Q 2010-09-23: property of a wasting nature
A 2010-07-07: Thanks for wasting my time.
A 2010-05-04: AE: Time's a wasting! = Hurry up! or "We're going to be late, if you don't...
A 2010-05-04: Time's a-wasting - time is being wasted, time is passing
Q 2010-05-04: Time’s a wasting
A 2010-04-23: Wasting assets - wasting is an adjective here -
Q 2010-04-23: Leases are wasting assets.
A 2007-10-29: Have the luxury twits ever thought about the correlation between wasting e...
A 2007-06-17: An excellent example of why we are wasting our time if we don't have a con...
A 2007-04-13: True GM, but I wasn't bothered pointing that out as I don't think s/he sho...
A 2007-03-01: Absolutely. That's why I'm not wasting any more grey cells on it
A 2006-09-08: MEEEEEEEE of course - wasting everybody's time in this case
A 2006-07-19: You are afraid of wasting your energy on too many activities
A 2006-06-01: Why not take the trouble to check before wasting other people's time?
Q 2004-12-16: radiation energy wasting surfaces modes=strahlungsenergieverschwendende Ob...

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