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English-German translation for: water heater
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Dictionary English German: water heater

Translation 1 - 50 of 3948  >>

NOUN   a water heater | water heaters
SYNO   hot-water heater | hot-water tank ... 
tech. water heaterWarmwasserbereiter {m}
water heaterWasserboiler {m}
water heaterWassererhitzer {m}
Keywords contained
gas water heaterGasbadeofen {m}
tech. gas water heaterGaswarmwasserbereiter {m}
tech. gas water heaterGaswassererhitzer {m}
tech. gas water heaterGaswasserheizer {m}
hot water heaterBoiler {m}
hot water heaterWarmwasserboiler {m}
tech. instant water heaterDurchlauferhitzer {m}
tech. instantaneous water heaterDurchlauf-Wasserheizer {m}
tech. instantaneous water heaterDurchlauferhitzer {m}
storage water heaterSpeicher-Wassererwärmer {m}
tech. tankless water heaterDurchlauferhitzer {m}
tech. continuous-flow water heaterDurchlauferhitzer {m}
gas combination water heaterGas-Kombiwasserheizer {m}
ecol. tech. solar thermal water heaterSolarwarmwasserbereiter {m}
tech. low-pressure feed water heater <LPFWH>Niederdruckvorwärmer {m} <NDV>
Partial Matches
dent. heaterErhitzer {m}
heaterHeizapparat {m}
heaterHeizgerät {n}
heaterHeizkörper {m}
heaterHeizung {f} [ugs.] [Heizkörper]
(radiant) heaterWärmestrahler {m}
air heaterLufterhitzer {m}
air heaterLufterwärmer {m}
dent. ampoule heaterAmpullenvorwärmer {m}
tech. aquarium heaterAquarienheizer {m}
bottle heaterFlaschenwärmer {m}
automot. car heaterAutoheizung {f}
tech. cartridge heaterPatronenheizkörper {m}
catalytic heaterKatalytheizung {f}
catalytic heaterKatalytofen {m}
convection heaterUmwälzheizer {m}
convector heaterUmwälzheizer {m}
convector heaterUmwälzheizgerät {n}
electric heaterElektroerhitzer {m}
tools fan heaterHeizgebläse {n}
fan heaterHeizlüfter {m}
fan heaterLufterhitzer {m}
tech. flow heaterDurchlauferhitzer {m}
gas heaterGasofen {m} [Heizofen]
tech. gas heaterGastherme {f}
heater batteryHeizregister {n}
heater blowerHeizungsgebläse {n}
automot. tech. heater coreWärmetauscher {m}
electr. heater currentHeizstrom {m}
tech. heater elementHeizelement {n}
tech. heater hoseHeizungsschlauch {m}
automot. heater plugGlühkerze {f}
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A 2006-08-30: continuous flow water heater (Durchlauferhitzer)
A 2006-06-24: electricAL small storage water heater < NB: electrIC current \ electricAL...
A 2006-01-17: Ernst says: flow heater, instantaneous water heater
A 2005-07-23: continuous-flow water heater

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