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English-German translation for: wax
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Dictionary English German: wax

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NOUN   a wax | waxes
VERB  to wax | waxed | waxed ... 
SYNO   to full | to wax | to climb ... 
to wax [to speak or write in a specified manner, e.g. eloquent, poetic, sentimental etc.]
werden [beim Sprechen oder Schreiben in einen bestimmten Ton verfallen, z. B. eloquent, lyrisch, sentimental etc.]
to wax
to wax [moon]
zunehmen [Mond]
to wax [the floor]
to wax sb./sth. [sl.] [defeat decisively]
jdn./etw. fertigmachen [ugs.] [vernichtend schlagen]
to wax sth. [e.g. the floor, skis]
etw. einwachsen [z. B. den Fußboden, Skier]
to wax sth. [e.g. floor]
etw. wachsen [z. B. ein Parkett]
to wax [moustache, floor]
wichsen [Bart, Boden] [veraltend]
cosmet. to wax [e.g. legs]mit Wachs behandeln
to wax sth. [apply wax on or to sth.]etw. mit Wachs versehen
Wachs {n}
wax [Br.] [coll.] [archaic]
Wutanfall {m}
wax [cosmetic hair removal]
Enthaarung {f}
2 Words: Others
containing wax {adj} [postpos.]wachshaltig
wax-carrying {adj}mit Wachs versetzt
wax-coated {adj}wachsbeschichtet
wax-like {adj}wachsartig
wax-pale {adj}kreidebleich
2 Words: Verbs
to apply waxeinwachsen
to wax oldalt werden
to wax sentimentalsentimental werden
2 Words: Nouns
(wax) candleWachslicht {n}
(wax) crayonWachsmaler {m} [ugs.] [Wachsmalstift]
chem. Afridi waxAfridi-Wachs {n}
animal waxtierisches Wachs {n}
bot. bayberry waxMyrtenwachs {n}
dent. blue waxBlauwachs {n}
dent. boxing waxTrimmwachs {n}
FoodInd. spec. Brazil wax [E-903]Carnaubawachs {n} [E-903]
FoodInd. spec. candelilla wax [E-902]Candelillawachs {n}
candle waxKerzenwachs {n}
FoodInd. spec. carnauba wax [E-903]Carnaubawachs {n}
FoodInd. spec. carnauba wax [E-903]Karnaubawachs {n}
dent. casting waxGusswachs {n}
chem. ceresin waxErdwachs {n} [Zeresin]
Chinese waxchinesisches Wachs {n}
cobbler's waxSchusterpech {n}
med. corpse wax [adipocere]Leichenwachs {n}
dent. dental waxDentalwachs {n}
biol. chem. epicuticular wax <EW>epicuticulares Wachs {n} [fachspr.]
biol. chem. epicuticular wax <EW>epikutikuläres Wachs {n}
cosmet. epilating waxEpilierwachs {n}
floor waxBohnerwachs {n}
furniture waxMöbelwachs {n}
sports glide waxGleitwachs {n}
hort. grafting waxBaumwachs {n}
grave waxLeichenlipid {n}
med. grave waxLeichenwachs {n}
sports grip waxSteigwachs {n}
cosmet. hair waxHaarwachs {n}
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A 2020-09-22: properly +paraffin wax+, but commonly shortened to +paraffin+ in AE
A 2018-08-26: Much rather: Coating the thread +using+ a bit of wax candle ... +Candle wa...
Q 2018-08-26: wax-candle she kept for her thread?
A 2014-08-29: wax in your ears
Q 2013-03-26: nose of wax
A 2012-08-02: http://oxforddictionaries.com/definition/english/wax--2?region=us&q=wax+an...
Q 2012-08-02: wax and wane
A 2012-06-22: In Britain paraffin can mean paraffin wax or paraffin oil/liquid paraffin.
Q 2010-11-04: wax tied in string
A 2009-02-11: like wax
A 2008-12-30: +wax seal+ confirmed
A 2008-12-30: confirming "wax seal"
A 2008-12-30: wax seal ?
Q 2008-02-15: Warm Wax Jar
Q 2008-02-14: Wax and go!
Q 2007-12-12: emulsifying wax
A 2007-09-11: wax pod beans (die werden ganz gegessen), haricot beans sind nur zum Auspuhlen
A 2007-09-11: wax (or white haricot) beans
A 2007-06-27: wax
A 2007-05-17: ?? http://www.google.de/search?hl=de&q=%22liquid+wax+formulation%22&btnG=...

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