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English-German translation for: way of thinking
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Dictionary English German: way of thinking

Translation 1 - 50 of 65876  >>

NOUN   a way of thinking | ways of thinking
way of thinkingArt {f} zu denken
way of thinkingDenkart {f}
way of thinkingDenke {f} [ugs.]
philos. relig. way of thinkingDenkform {f}
way of thinkingDenkstil {m}
way of thinkingDenkungsart {f} [veraltend]
philos. way of thinkingDenkweg {m}
way of thinkingDenkweise {f}
way of thinkingGedankenwelt {f}
way of thinkingSichtweise {f} [fig.]
Keywords contained
to my way of thinking {adv}meiner Meinung nach
to my way of thinking {adv}meines Erachtens <m. E.>
way of thinking and actingDenk- und Handlungsweise {f}
way of thinking and actingDenk- und Vorgehensweise {f}
dependent on one's way of thinking {adj} [pred.]abhängig von der Sichtweise
Partial Matches
thinking ofgedenkend
But thinking of ...Wenn ich dagegen an ... denke, ...
philos. act of thinkingDenkakt {m}
change of thinkingUmdenken {n}
philos. habit of thinkingDenkgewohnheit {f}
line of thinkingDenkweise {f}
line of thinkingGedankengang {m}
psych. mechanism of thinkingDenkmechanismus {m}
method of thinkingDenkmethode {f}
mode of thinkingDenkungsart {f} [veraltend] [bes. philos.]
mode of thinkingDenkweise {f}
philos. path of thinkingDenkweg {m}
pattern of thinkingDenkmuster {n}
philos. psych. structure of thinkingDenkstruktur {f}
philos. psych. theory of thinkingDenktheorie {f}
capable of thinking {adj} [postpos.]denkfähig
habitual ways of thinkingDenkgewohnheiten {pl}
settled mode of thinkingGeisteshaltung {f}
thinking in terms of costKostendenken {n}
thinking in terms of statusStatusdenken {n}
Thinking of you. [greeting card sentiment]Ich denk an dich.
to do a lot of thinking [coll.]viel nachdenken
math. stat. one-way analysis of variance <one-way ANOVA>einfache Varianzanalyse {f}
math. stat. two-way analysis of variance <two-way ANOVA>zweifache Varianzanalyse {f}
incapable of thinking (straight) any more / longer {adj} [postpos.]nicht mehr denkfähig
to be at the forefront of sb.'s thinkingbei jdm. gedanklich im Vordergrund stehen
lit. F The Magic of Thinking Big [David Joseph Schwartz]Denken Sie groß! Erfolg durch großzügiges Denken
lit. F The Power of Positive Thinking [Norman Vincent Peale]Die Kraft des positiven Denkens
But if any of you were thinking of taking it ...Doch wenn jemand von Ihnen auf den Gedanken käme, es mitzunehmen, ...
psych. thought disorders like thought block, poverty of thinking, circumstantiality, rigidityDenkstörungen {pl} wie Denkhemmung, Verarmung der Denkinhalte, Umständlichkeit der Denkvorgänge, Rigidität
traffic TrVocab. three-way stop [Am.] <3-WAY, 3x> [all-way stop]T-Kreuzung {f} [an der generell gehalten werden muss, um von rechts Kommenden Vorfahrt zu gewähren]
traffic TrVocab. four-way stop [Am.] [Can.] [S.Afr.] <4-WAY, 4x> [all-way stop]Kreuzung {f} [vierer gleichrangiger Straßen]
by way of {prep}über [via]
by way of ...im Wege der / des ...
way ahead ofweit vor
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A 2015-07-13: Often it seems to mean +way of thinking+
A 2015-04-26: Maybe quite simply here: with their own way of thinking
A 2012-02-19: way of thinking, framework of thought
A 2011-10-24: To my decades' way of thinking and using the term ...
A 2011-06-06: process / way of thinking ....
A 2010-01-26: "Great, he's good in tune with our way of thinking" wäre auch möglich.
A 2008-08-16: I'm coming round to your way of thinking....
A 2006-06-05: "doktrinär", a person who don't want to face the reality and just regulate...

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