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English-German translation for: ways
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Dictionary English German: ways

Translation 1 - 50 of 126  >>

English German
NOUN1   ways | -
NOUN2   a way | ways
SYNO   shipway | slipway | ways
Gepflogenheiten {pl}
Wege {pl}
ways [customs]
Sitten {pl} [Gepflogenheiten]
ways [customs, habits]
Gewohnheiten {pl}
Gebräuche {pl}
Fahrten {pl} [angegebene/bezahlte Strecken, auf Fahrkarten]
2 Words: Others
both ways {adv}beidseitig [Richtungen]
both ways {adv}in beide Richtungen
pol. both ways {adv} [esp. in politics]bilateral [fachspr.]
2 Words: Verbs
to change sb.'s waysjdn. umkrempeln
to part ways [idiom]getrennte Wege gehen [Redewendung]
2 Words: Nouns
brusque waysschroffe Manieren {pl}
crooked ways [fig.]krumme Wege {pl} [fig.]
naut. launching waysStapellaufbahn {f}
naut. launching ways {pl}Ablaufbahn {f} [Stapellauf]
naut. launching ways {pl}Helling {f} [auch {m}]
possible waysMöglichkeiten {pl}
several waysverschiedene Wege {pl}
ways backRückwege {pl}
ways homeHeimwege {pl}
ways outAuswege {pl}
winsome waysgefälliges Benehmen {n}
wrong waysAbwege {pl}
3 Words: Others
in different ways {adv}unterschiedlich
in different ways {adv}auf verschiedene Weise
in many ways {adv}vielfach [auf vielfache Weise]
in many ways {adv}vielfältig
in many ways {adv}auf vielfältige Weise
in many ways {adv}in vielerlei Hinsicht
in many ways {adv}in vielfacher Weise
in many ways {adv}in vielfältiger Weise
in many ways {adv} [in many respects]in mancherlei Hinsicht
in other ways {adv}ansonsten
in other ways {adv}sonst
in three ways {adv}auf dreierlei Weise
in two ways {adv}in zweierlei Hinsicht
in various ways {adv}unterschiedlich
in various ways {adv}auf unterschiedliche Weise
in various waysauf verschiedene Arten
in various ways {adv}auf verschiedene Weise
in various ways {adv}in unterschiedlicher Weise
in various ways {adv}in verschiedener Weise
3 Words: Verbs
to adopt foreign waysfremde Sitten übernehmen
to assume masculine wayssich wie ein Mann geben
to change one's ways [idiom]seine Gewohnheiten ändern
to change one's ways [idiom] [for the better]umkehren [fig.] [die schlechten Angewohnheiten etc. aufgeben]
to cut both ways [idiom]zweischneidig sein [fig.]
to cut both ways [idiom]ein zweischneidiges Schwert sein [Redewendung]
to go separate ways [also fig.]getrennte Wege gehen [auch fig.]
to mend one's ways [idiom]sichAkk. bessern
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A 2023-04-03: Many compounds can be written all three ways in English.
A 2022-11-24: the confusions ? the multiple entendres ? the obfuscated ways ?
Q 2021-05-14: "Used many different ways" vs. "Used in many different ways"
A 2021-04-15: A group may have been ordered to team up or have come together consensuall...
A 2021-01-31: Strange and wonderful are the ways of Google Translate.
A 2020-10-12: ... about ways to resolve the conflict
Q 2020-05-12: he does not know the ways of porcelain, of fork and mustard and silver
A 2020-04-17: Ways, Paths and Portraits
A 2019-07-24: Adding such a category would be problematical in many ways.
A 2018-11-19: Als Überschrift? (Future) ways of structuring research and development an...
A 2018-01-13: @aphoenix ( #885448): Careful disambiguation and tagging are the best ways...
A 2018-01-06: depends .... many ways .....
A 2017-12-29: Yes, translation CAN work both ways, but that doesn't mean that it *invari...
A 2017-12-29: (23:40) You do appreciate, I hope, that translation always works both ways...
A 2017-08-29: you can use ore exploit the right to a piece of music in quite a variety o...
Q 2017-02-10: good ways with somebody
A 2016-03-13: Are there other ways to stop them? - ok
Q 2016-03-13: kind / kinds of ways
A 2015-10-13: Sad to see. But even if migrants had misbehaved, there are humane ways of ...
A 2015-10-05: 6 different ways, mix & match

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