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English-German Dictionary

English-German translation for: ways of thinking
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Deutsch - Englisch

Dictionary English German: ways of thinking

Translation 1 - 50 of 64593  >>

NOUN   a way of thinking | ways of thinking
Keywords contained
habitual ways of thinkingDenkgewohnheiten {pl}
Partial Matches
ways of communicationKommunikationswege {pl}
gastr. ways of cookingZubereitungsarten {pl}
fin. ways of fundingFinanzierungsmöglichkeiten {pl}
one of the ways {pron}eine der Möglichkeiten
parting of the waysKreuzweg {m}
parting of the waysScheideweg {m}
parting of the waysStelle {f} der Entscheidung
parting of the waysWeggabelung {f}
in a number of ways {adv}auf unterschiedliche Weise
in a number of ways {adv}auf verschiedene Weise
in a number of ways {adv}auf vielfältige Weise
in a number of ways {adv}in mehrfacher Hinsicht
in a number of ways {adv}in vielfältiger Weise
in a variety of ways {adv}auf unterschiedliche Art und Weise
to be one of the wayseine der Möglichkeiten sein
amicable parting of the waysfreundschaftliche Trennung {f} der Wege
committee of ways and meansSteuerbewilligungsausschuss {m}
thinking ofgedenkend
But thinking of ...Wenn ich dagegen an ... denke, ...
philos. act of thinkingDenkakt {m}
change of thinkingUmdenken {n}
philos. habit of thinkingDenkgewohnheit {f}
line of thinkingDenkweise {f}
line of thinkingGedankengang {m}
psych. mechanism of thinkingDenkmechanismus {m}
method of thinkingDenkmethode {f}
mode of thinkingDenkungsart {f} [veraltend] [bes. philos.]
mode of thinkingDenkweise {f}
philos. path of thinkingDenkweg {m}
pattern of thinkingDenkmuster {n}
philos. psych. structure of thinkingDenkstruktur {f}
philos. psych. theory of thinkingDenktheorie {f}
way of thinkingArt {f} zu denken
way of thinkingDenkart {f}
way of thinkingDenke {f} [ugs.]
philos. relig. way of thinkingDenkform {f}
way of thinkingDenkstil {m}
way of thinkingDenkungsart {f} [veraltend]
philos. way of thinkingDenkweg {m}
way of thinkingDenkweise {f}
way of thinkingGedankenwelt {f}
way of thinkingSichtweise {f} [fig.]
idiom This is the parting of the ways.Da scheiden sich die Geister.
capable of thinking {adj} [postpos.]denkfähig
settled mode of thinkingGeisteshaltung {f}
to my way of thinking {adv}meiner Meinung nach
to my way of thinking {adv}meines Erachtens <m. E.>
idiom to see / realize the error of one's waysseine Fehler einsehen
thinking in terms of costKostendenken {n}
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