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English-German translation for: weave
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Dictionary English German: weave

Translation 1 - 72 of 72

English German
NOUN   a weave | weaves
VERB  to weave | wove/weaved | woven/wove ... 
SYNO   to interweave | to weave | to tissue ... 
textil. to weave sth. [also fig.]
etw.Akk. weben [auch fig.]
to weave sth. [braid]
etw. verflechten
to weave sth. [contrive, concoct]
etw. ersinnen
to weave [to move waveringly from side to side] [e.g. drunk person]
torkeln [z. B. Betrunkener]
to weave sth. [fig.] [contrive (a tale)]
etw. erfinden [eine Geschichte]
textil. to weave sth. [thread]
etw. verweben
to weave sth. [basket, garland, straw mat, etc.]
etw.Akk. flechten [Korb, Kranz, Matte etc.]
textil. to weave sth. [tapestry, carpets]
etw. wirken [Stoffe, Teppiche, Gobelins]
Gewebe {n}
Gespinst {n}
textil. weave
Bindung {f}
textil. weave
Webart {f}
Wedeln {n}
dance weave
Flechte {f} [Slowfox, langsamer Walzer]
Fadenlauf {m}
textil. weave
Bindungsmuster {n}
2 Words: Others
sb. would weavejd. wöbe
2 Words: Verbs
to weave (into)zusammenweben
to weave (into)einflechten (in)
to weave along [of a cyclist]in Schlangenlinien fahren [Radfahrer]
ind. textil. to weave clothTuch weben
cloth. to weave ineinweben
to weave intriguesIntrigen spinnen
to weave sth. in [remark etc.]etw. einflechten [fig.] [Bemerkung etc.]
to weave sth. into sth. [cane, garland]etw. in etw.Akk. flechten
to weave sth. together [yarns, story threads, etc.]etw. verweben [Fäden, Erzählstränge etc.]
to weave throughsich durchschlängeln
2 Words: Nouns
(hair) weaveHaarteil {n}
dance basic weaveGrundflechte {f} [langsamer Walzer]
spec. basket weaveFlechte {f} [Parkettmuster]
spec. textil. basket weavePanamabindung {f} [Weberei]
constr. basket weaveSchachbrettmuster {n} [Ziegelmauerwerk]
constr. basket weaveWürfelmuster {n} [Ziegelmauerwerk]
calico weaveLeinenbindung {f}
coarse weavegrobes Gewebe {n}
material tech. dutch weavePanzertresse {f}
homespun weave [Am.]Leinenbindung {f}
textil. huckaback weaveGerstenkornbindung {f}
jacquard weaveJacquardwebung {f}
linen weaveLeinenbindung {f}
textil. linen weaveLeinwandbindung {f}
linen weaveTaftbindung {f}
linen weaveTuchbindung {f}
dance natural weaveRechtsflechte {f} [Slowfox, langsamer Walzer]
plain weaveLeinenbindung {f}
textil. plain weaveLeinwandbindung {f}
textil. satin weaveAtlasbindung {f}
satin weaveSatinbindung {f}
satin weaveDuchesse-Bindung {f}
textil. tabby weaveLeinwandbindung {f}
textil. taffeta weaveLeinenbindung {f}
textil. tapestry weaveGobelin {m} [Webart]
textil. twill (weave)Köperbindung {f}
dance weave endingFlechtenende {n} [Foxtrott]
weave-inWedeln {n}
weave-outWedeln {n}
3 Words: Verbs
to bob and weavetänzeln [Boxer]
to weave a basketeinen Korb flechten
to weave a plotein Komplott schmieden
3 Words: Nouns
textil. broken twill weave [herringbone]Fischgrat {n} [kurz für: Fischgratmuster]
textil. broken twill weave [herringbone]Fischgrät {n} [kurz für: Fischgrätmuster]
textil. even-weave fabricGitterleinen {n} [Stramin]
textil. even-weave fabricStramin {m}
textil. leno weave (fabric)Lenogewebe {n}
cloth. waffle-weave patternWaffelmuster {n}
4 Words: Verbs
to weave one's way through sth. [traffic, crowd, etc.]sich durch etw. hindurchschlängeln [Verkehr, Menschenansammlung usw.]
4 Words: Nouns
electr. basket / basket-weave windingKorbbodenwicklung {f} [selten]
electr. basket / basket-weave windingKorbwicklung {f}
textil. cloth of English weaveenglisches Tuch {n}
5+ Words: Verbs
traffic to weave (one's way) through trafficsich durch den Verkehr schlängeln
idiom to weave a web of liesein Lügengespinst spinnen
idiom to weave one's way through the crowdsich durch die Menge schlängeln
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A 2015-01-04: weave its way
Q 2015-01-04: to weave one's way = sich flechten [durch etw.] ?
A 2015-01-03: 14:22 - to weave > torkeln / schwanken ( +schwankende Gestalten!+ ) muss bleiben
A 2015-01-02: Was "to weave" angeht, muss hier wohl noch die Inflektionstabelle korrigie...
Q 2013-08-26: run them up through the weave
A 2011-07-22: A "Zierbordüre" is a broader flat weave strip +not+ at the very edge, but ...
A 2011-07-22: twill weave / halfpanama knit
A 2011-07-22: http://de.bab.la/woerterbuch/englisch-deutsch/twill-weave
A 2011-07-22: http://www.google.de/search?hl=de&biw=1073&bih=838&q=%22twill+weave%22+%22...
Q 2011-07-22: twill weave // halfpanama knit
A 2010-08-24: The thing about lawn is that it's a very light and fine weave—almost trans...
A 2009-06-05: look at the picture: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-1050742/Is-H...
A 2009-01-18: Another association that comes to mind is +scar weaver+ - cf. wirken > to ...
A 2008-12-15: ... +and closes up the weave to+ ... would do nicely, it seems
A 2008-12-15: What actually happens is that the cotton swells (up) when wet and closes u...
A 2008-09-28: dont see why not...you have open and closed weave
A 2008-08-11: wood weave / basket weave ....
A 2008-01-23: Schattenzwirn = shadow weave. Schreckenszwirn is rüchtüch.
A 2007-11-27: ? fine-weave / sheer
A 2006-11-23: ... ANYBODY know (NO COMMA) how spiDERs WEAVE ...

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