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Dictionary English German: weaving

Translation 1 - 47 of 47

English German
NOUN   weaving | -
VERB  to weave | wove/weaved | woven/wove
weaving | weaves
weaving {pres-p}
textil. weaving {adj} [attr.] [e.g. comb, machine, pattern, sword, technique]
Web- [z. B. Kamm, Maschine, Muster, Schwert, Technik]
Weben {n}
Weberei {f}
equest. weaving [horses]
Weben {n} [Verhaltensstörung]
weavinghorizontale und vertikale Ausweichmanöver {pl} im Endflug
2 Words: Verbs
idiom to get weaving [Br.] [coll.]sichAkk. auf die Socken machen [ugs.]
idiom to get weaving [Br.] [coll.] [dated] [to hurry]Gas geben [ugs.]
2 Words: Nouns
textil. tools (weaving) loomWebgerät {n}
basket-weavingKorbflechten {n}
textil. card weaving [Am.]Brettchenweben {n}
carpet weavingTeppichknüpfen {n}
ind. textil. cotton weavingBaumwollweberei {f} [Vorgang]
textil. finger weavingFingerweben {n}
art textil. Gobelin-weavingTapisserie {f} [Handwerk, Arbeitsvorgang]
textil. hand weaving [also: hand-weaving]Handweberei {f}
jobs textil. home weavingHeimweberei {f}
textil. linen weavingLeinenweberei {f} [Verfahren]
textil. linen weavingLeinweberei {f} [Verfahren] [veraltend]
ind. textil. pattern weavingMusterweberei {f}
tech. ribbon weavingBandweberei {f}
textil. silk weavingSeidenweberei {f}
textil. tablet weavingBrettchenweben {n}
archi. weaving cellarWebkeller {m}
textil. weaving combWebblatt {n} [Webkamm]
textil. weaving combWebkamm {m}
ind. textil. weaving loomWebstuhl {m}
ind. textil. weaving machineWebmaschine {f}
ind. textil. weaving millWeberei {f}
ind. textil. weaving millsWebereien {pl}
weaving operationWebvorgang {m}
textil. weaving patternWebmuster {n}
weaving productWebereierzeugnis {n}
textil. weaving shuttleWebschiffchen {n} [Weberschiffchen]
textil. weaving swordWebschwert {n}
textil. weaving techniqueWebtechnik {f}
tech. textil. weaving technologyWebtechnik {f}
ind. textil. weaving workshopWebereiwerkstatt {f}
3 Words: Nouns
air-jet weavingLuftdüsenweben {n}
art of weavingWebekunst {f}
art art of weavingWebkunst {f}
ind. textil. cotton weaving millBaumwollabfallweberei {f} [Fabrik]
ind. textil. cotton weaving millBaumwollweberei {f} [Anlage]
textil. flaw in weavingWebfehler {m}
riderless weaving harnessreiterloses Webgeschirr {n} [Textiltechnik]
4 Words: Nouns
mus. Ancient Form of Weaving[Duo-Gitarrenstil der Rolling Stones]
ind. textil. water-jet weaving machineWasserdüsen-Webmaschine {f}
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Q 2022-05-27: lappet loom & lappet weaving
A 2015-01-02: There's the weaving (das Weben) done by a horse, which is a psychological ...
Q 2014-04-15: bobbing and weaving
A 2012-06-06: Is it the horizontal part of the scaffolding? Like Schuss and Kette in weaving?
A 2011-01-10: In basket weaving, it's the "stripping or removal of bark, shoots and leaves."
A 2010-09-21: Underwater basket weaving
A 2010-09-15: I thought a loom is for weaving and a frame is for knotting.
A 2010-05-15: Suche WEAVING, suche BOBBIN
A 2009-09-24: ? http://www.google.co.uk/intl/en/#hl=en&source=hp&q=%22shuttle+bar%22+wea...
A 2009-05-14: It used to be the practice to send mildly "tetched" residents of mental in...
Q 2008-02-22: What does "weaving" mean related to traffic
A 2006-12-04: It's a list of colours used in weaving a carpet.
Q 2006-11-08: weaving - any experts??!
Q 2006-10-09: weaving...is my English okay???
A 2006-10-09: for a weaving loom
A 2003-12-08: weaving flaw

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• weaving
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weaving comb
(weaving) loom
weaving loom
weaving machine
weaving mill
weaving mills
weaving operation
weaving pattern
weaving product

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