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English-German translation for: websites
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Dictionary English German: websites

Translation 1 - 1 of 1

English German
NOUN   a website | websites
NOUN   die Website | die Websites
comp. websites
Webseiten {pl}
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A 2024-04-18: In fact, there are numerous hits from UK gov't websites. Definitely not en...
A 2020-06-22: +climb-through opening+ does not seem to google plentifully on UK websites
Q 2019-06-06: OK auf Websites
A 2017-06-01: In addition, we advise you to refer to the PTB and VDE/FNN websites.
A 2015-02-14: Datenextraktion > data scraping (websites) - - - to scrape content (singul...
A 2014-10-27: Agree with Lllama - UK websites suggest that in +a software+ the latter wo...
A 2013-12-15: Traffic lights are used, probably in a similar way, on a few websites:
A 2013-07-21: Not sure if it has anything to do with websites.
Q 2012-05-03: Schlecht übersetzte mehrsprachige Websites
A 2012-01-13: some good websites to find an apartment:
A 2011-04-07: hm, sind websites.... also eher nicht "above" - aber steht halt eh jeweil ...
A 2011-04-04: buying and selling websites
A 2010-12-22: and never allow the sheer number of usage on UK websites to decide on gram...
Q 2009-12-10: English language haiku websites wanted
A 2009-08-05: @Lisa4dict: It's a content management system that administers a number of ...
Q 2009-08-05: These users can only access a defined set of websites.
A 2009-06-19: websites sind immer online...
Q 2009-04-12: Impressum (bei Websites)
A 2009-01-23: Browsing through some websites (Google:"person * escalate" )
A 2009-01-16: noch nie davon gehört, sind das seriöse websites?

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website address
website administrator
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website development
(website) header
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website powered by sb.
• websites
website screening
website source code
website translation
website under construction
Website xyz.abc is tango down.
web snooping

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Contains translations by TU Chemnitz and Mr Honey's Business Dictionary (German-English). Thank you!
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