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English-German translation for: wedding
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Dictionary English German: wedding

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NOUN   a wedding | weddings
VERB  to wed | wed/wedded | wed/wedded
wedding | weds
SYNO   hymeneals | nuptials | wedding ... 
wedding {adj} [attr.]
wedding {adj} [attr.] [bridal] [e.g. band or ring, vow]
Ehe- [z. B. Ring, Gelübde]
wedding {adj} [attr.] [bridal] [e.g. bouquet, dress or gown, jewellery, veil]
Braut- [z. B. Strauß, Kleid, Schmuck, Schleier]
wedding {adj} [attr.] [e.g. altar, ceremony, liturgy, ring, speaker]Trau- [z. B. Altar, Zeremonie, Liturgie, Ring, Redner]
wedding {adj} [attr.] [e.g. announcement, proposal]Heirats- [z. B. Anzeige, Antrag]
Hochzeit {f} [Eheschließung]
Eheschließung {f}
Vermählung {f} [geh.]
Trauung {f}
weddingKopulation {f} [altertümlich, 19. Jh.]
2 Words: Nouns
(wedding) banns {pl}Heiratsinserat {n}
beach weddingStrandhochzeit {f}
bogus weddingScheinhochzeit {f}
castle weddingBurghochzeit {f} [Hochzeit auf / in einer Burg]
castle weddingSchlosshochzeit {f}
castle weddingHochzeit {f} im Schloss
celebrity weddingPromihochzeit {f} [ugs.]
church weddingkirchliche Hochzeit {f}
church weddingkirchliche Trauung {f}
law civil weddingstandesamtliche Heirat {f}
civil weddingstandesamtliche Trauung {f}
country weddingBauernhochzeit {f}
diamond weddingdiamantene Hochzeit {f}
double weddingDoppelhochzeit {f}
dream weddingTraumhochzeit {f}
express weddingBlitzhochzeit {f}
fairytale weddingMärchenhochzeit {f}
garden weddingGartenhochzeit {f}
golden weddinggoldene Hochzeit {f}
group weddingGruppenhochzeit {f}
impulsive weddingBlitzehe {f} [ugs.]
Landshut Wedding [pageant]Landshuter Hochzeit {f}
mass weddingMassenhochzeit {f}
peasant weddingBauernhochzeit {f}
princely weddingFürstenhochzeit {f}
private weddingHochzeit {f} im kleinsten Kreis
quadruple weddingVierfachhochzeit {f}
quintuple weddingFünffachhochzeit {f}
royal weddingKönigshochzeit {f}
royal weddingkönigliche Hochzeit {f}
royal weddingroyale Hochzeit {f}
shotgun wedding [coll.]Mussehe {f} [ugs.]
shotgun wedding [coll.]Mussheirat {f} [ugs.]
econ. shotgun wedding [fig.] [forced merger]Zwangsheirat {f} [fig.] [erzwungene Fusion]
silver weddingsilberne Hochzeit {f}
triple weddingDreifachhochzeit {f}
war weddingKriegstrauung {f}
wedding albumHochzeitsalbum {n}
relig. wedding altarTraualtar {m}
wedding anniversaryHochzeitsjubiläum {n} [Hochzeitstag]
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A 2017-09-28: This sacred wedding of the Sun and Moon, of all that is good and bad, we c...
Q 2017-04-12: bridal registries (AE), wedding lists (BE)
A 2016-10-05: not a saying, but you could say: "this isn't to ruin / won't ruin your wedding"
A 2016-02-24: "Wedding types" is shorter and perhaps more suitable as a heading.
A 2016-02-24: Different types of wedding ceremonies, perhaps.
A 2015-06-27: officiate your wedding
A 2015-06-26: to witness the wedding
A 2014-12-10: British wedding invitiations (in particular) suggest it will please the host :-)
Q 2013-09-25: Destination Wedding
A 2013-04-13: ... and we're all set for the next wedding.
A 2013-04-12: The bride throws her bouquet and the next wedding can come.
A 2013-04-12: The bridal bouquet is being tossed and now it may take place, the next wedding
A 2012-12-05: Hochzeit (> wedding) pronounced with a short o, Hochzeit (golden age) pron...
A 2012-11-24: In a traditional (British) wedding,
A 2012-05-04: Could also be a reference to a shotgun wedding.
A 2012-03-05: It's either "ironic" or "ironically" (remember that song? Like rain on you...
Q 2011-10-30: Call off or break a wedding engagement
A 2011-08-15: God of wedding or marriage ceremonies (no single deity for the vicissitude...
A 2011-08-12: Wedding gift list - yes, but it's not a Abteilung ..?!
A 2011-08-12: Wedding gift list is used by lots of shops in the UK -

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