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English-German translation for: weigh
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Dictionary English German: weigh

Translation 1 - 57 of 57

English German
VERB  to weigh | weighed | weighed ... 
SYNO   to press | to weigh | to librate ... 
to weigh sb./sth.
jdn./etw. wiegen
to weigh sth. [fig.] [words, possibilities]
etw. abwägen [fig.]
to weigh [be a burden]
to weigh sth.
etw.Akk. abwiegen
to weigh [fig.] [consider, contemplate]
to weigh sth.
etw. wägen [schweiz.] [sonst fachspr.] [wiegen]
to weigh [be important]
gelten [geh.] [wichtig, von Bedeutung sein]
to weigh sth.
etw. verwiegen [fachspr.]
to weigh sth. [to have a weight of sth., e.g. in pounds]etw.Akk. haben [wiegen]
2 Words: Others
sb. would weighjd. wöge
2 Words: Verbs
to re-weighnachwiegen
to weigh (on)abwägen
naut. to weigh anchorden Anker lichten
to weigh downniederdrücken
to weigh heavywuchten
to weigh in [interpose]sichAkk. einschalten [in Debatte etc.]
chem. to weigh in sth.etw.Akk. einwägen
to weigh lightwenig wiegen
to weigh littlewenig wiegen
to weigh littlewenig Gewicht haben
to weigh muchviel gelten
to weigh on sth.auf etw.Dat. lasten
to weigh oneselfsichAkk. wiegen
to weigh oneselfsein Gewicht wiegen
to weigh outabwiegen
to weigh outeinwiegen
to weigh out sth.etw.Akk. auswiegen [abwiegen]
to weigh sb. upjdn. einschätzen
chem. phys. to weigh sth. preciselyetw.Akk. auswägen
to weigh sth. upetw.Akk. abwägen
to weigh tonstonnenschwer sein
to weigh upon sth. [sb.'s mind, sb.'s conscience, etc.]etw. belasten [jds. Seele, jds. Gewissen etc.]
2 Words: Nouns
weigh bridgeBrückenwaage {f}
ind. tech. weigh feederDosierwaage {f}
hist. naut. weigh lockWageschleuse {f}
comm. weigh slipWiegekarte {f}
weigh stationRaststation {f}
transp. weigh stationWaage {f} [Wiegestation für Lastwagen usw.]
3 Words: Verbs
naut. to get under weighunter Segel gehen
to weigh a lotviel wiegen
to weigh a proposaleinen Vorschlag abwägen
to weigh heavily on sb. [fig.] [thought etc.]auf jdm. schwer lasten [fig.] [Gedanke usw.]
to weigh in at sth. [pounds, kilograms, etc.]etw. auf die Waage bringen [Kilogramm etc.]
to weigh in on sth.seine Meinung zu etw.Dat. beitragen
to weigh on sb.'s conscience [idiom]jds. Gewissen belasten
to weigh one's wordsseine Worte abwägen
idiom to weigh one's wordssichDat. gut überlegen, was man sagt
to weigh the oddsdie Chancen abwägen
to weigh the oddsdie Chancen (gegeneinander) abwägen
3 Words: Nouns
sports (official) weigh-in(offizielles) Wiegen {n} [Boxsport]
ind. tech. differential weigh feederDifferential-Dosierwaage {f}
ind. tech. differential weigh feederDifferenzial-Dosierwaage {f}
4 Words: Others
How much does sb./sth. weigh?Wie viel wiegt jd./etw.?
4 Words: Nouns
ind. tech. conveyor (belt) weigh feederFließband-Dosierwaage {f}
5+ Words: Verbs
to weigh in with one's opinion [idiom]seinen Senf dazugeben [ugs.] [Redewendung]
to weigh the pros and consdas Für und Wider gegeneinander abwägen
to weigh up the pros and consdas Für und Wider abwägen
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A 2013-12-10: "weigh up" would be more vague .... ?! einordnen = more precise ... ?!
A 2013-02-21: Another interesting one is "to weight" instead of "to weigh."
A 2011-09-14: Germans weigh their laundry 8-)
Q 2011-02-21: How much does it weigh?
A 2010-12-21: http://www.dict.cc/?s=weigh+in+
Q 2010-12-21: weigh in on
Q 2010-10-27: Es ist sehr leicht (The hat does not weigh a lot)
Q 2010-10-06: Was heißt " I weigh 8 stone" auf deutsch?
Q 2010-06-21: You should weigh our arguments on the merits.
A 2010-04-27: the worries weigh on policy = Auswirkungen haben auf
A 2009-07-22: I don't weigh that (much), but/I weigh 84kg instead.
A 2008-11-17: If you weigh 60kg,
A 2008-11-07: Weigh up is fine.
A 2008-06-24: to weigh - Konjugation
A 2008-03-28: weigh heavily upon
A 2008-01-22: naja, jedenfalls passt thirty-weigh oil farblich nicht...
A 2007-12-10: Perhaps you weigh the pros and cons of multinationals in developed countri...
A 2007-11-29: “'Tis best to weigh The enemy more mighty than he seems”
A 2007-10-04: A slump in growth may weigh on the prospects of German exports that are st...
A 2007-01-19: I think it means that he would only weigh 90 pounds

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