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English-German translation for: west
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Dictionary English German: west

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NOUN   west | -
SYNO   Cicily Isabel Fairfield ... 
NOUN1   West [ohne Artikel] | -
NOUN2   der West [naut. oder poet.: Westwind] | [selten] die Weste
west {adj}
west {adj}
west {adv}nach Westen
geogr. naut. west <W>
Westen {m} <W>
econ. pol. the West [also: the west]der Westen {m}
geogr. meteo. naut. west <W>West <W> [Himmelsrichtung] [ohne Artikel]
2 Words: Others
due west {adv}genau westlich
due west {adv}genau nach Westen
out west {adv} [Am.]draußen im Westen
West African {adj}westafrikanisch
geogr. West Antarctic {adj}westantarktisch
geogr. West Atlantic {adj} [attr.]westatlantisch
geogr. West Australian {adj}westaustralisch
West Berlin {adj} [attr.]Westberliner [indekl.]
transp. west bound {adv}westwärts
transp. west bound {adv}in westlicher Richtung
geogr. West Elbian {adj}westelbisch
West European {adj}westeuropäisch
hist. West Frankish {adj}westfränkisch <westfränk.>
West Frisian {adj}westfriesisch
West German {adj}westdeutsch
West Germanic {adj}westgermanisch <westgerm.>
West Indian {adj}karibisch
West Indian {adj}westindisch
West Indian {adj}von den Karibischen Inseln [nachgestellt]
west Iraqian {adj}westirakisch
ling. West Nordic {adj}westnordisch
west ofwestlich von
geogr. West Pacific {adj}westpazifisch
geogr. hist. West Prussian {adj}westpreußisch
ling. West Scandinavian {adj}westskandinavisch
ling. West Slavic {adj}westslawisch
ling. west syriac {adj}westsyrisch
west-facing {adj}nach Westen [nachgestellt] [nach Westen gerichtet]
west-facing {adj}nach Westen gerichtet
west-northwesterly {adj} {adv}westnordwestlich
west-southwesterly {adj} {adv}westsüdwestlich
2 Words: Verbs
to go westwestwärts gehen / ziehen
to go westnach Westen gehen / ziehen
to go west [coll.] [idiom] [die; be destroyed]dran glauben müssen [ugs.] [salopp] [Redewendung] [sterben; zerstört werden]
to go west [coll.] [idiom] [to die]draufgehen [ugs.] [sterben]
to go west [coll.] [idiom] [to die]das Zeitliche segnen [ugs.] [Redewendung]
to go west [coll.] [idiom] [to die]den Löffel abgeben [ugs.] [Redewendung]
idiom to go west [coll.] [to die]dem Schöpfer gegenübertreten [ugs.]
idiom to go west [coll.] [to die]in die ewigen Jagdgründe eingehen [ugs.]
to go west [coll.] [to die] [idiom]ins Gras beißen [ugs.] [sterben] [Redewendung]
idiom to go west [coll.] [to die]über den Jordan gehen [ugs.]
to go west [die] [idiom]über den Deich gehen [sterben] [Redewendung]
geogr. to swing west [river]nach Westen abgelenkt werden [Fluss]
to turn Westsich nach Westen wenden
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A 2023-03-09: "e bissle" (ein wenig) sounds Swabian to me. South-west Germany. No typo.
Q 2022-07-17: Mae West
A 2021-10-18: Photo of the west side of Sidney Smith Hall.
A 2018-11-24: richtig nach dict ist: West Highland white terrier [dog breed]
A 2016-11-13: West Side Story
Q 2016-11-13: West Side Story
A 2016-07-13: was taken up in West Germany
A 2016-07-09: the West-German collective bargaining system; they did not feel the crisi...
Q 2016-06-15: Westen vs West
A 2016-05-12: All the links to ice saints show that it is an explanation of weather lore...
Q 2016-01-08: Nord/Ost/Süd/West/Zentral Kontinent
A 2015-10-13: Wild West
A 2015-06-23: Reichlich Geflunker das alles. +Getret'ner Quark wird breit, nicht stark.+...
A 2014-07-25: Allgemeiner auch Far West
A 2013-10-18: Unsere Büroadresse im angesagten Zürich-West - ever since the Neophiliacs,...
Q 2013-10-18: Our office address in the trendy Zürich-West district:
Q 2013-09-22: sth. resembles the frontier days of the Wild, Wild West
A 2013-06-09: @Proteus: Perhaps he's circumnavigating the globe from east to west, with ...
A 2013-04-16: Hmm, yes. But West-Germany did accept the role of the successor state. Not...
Q 2013-01-21: Swabia! (a region just west of Munich! ;)

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