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English-German translation for: whale
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Dictionary English German: whale

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NOUN   a whale | whales/[collectively] whale
VERB  to whale | whaled | whaled ... 
SYNO   giant | heavyweight | hulk | whale
zool. whale {adj} [attr.]
to whale sb. [coll.]
jdn. verdreschen [ugs.]
to whale sb. [hit, thrash]
jdn. schlagen [hauen, prügeln]
hunting to whaleWale fangen
zool. T
Wal {m}
zool. T
2 Words: Nouns
beached whalegestrandeter Wal {m}
zool. cow whaleWalkuh {f}
exploding whaleWalexplosion {f}
zool. whale bullWalbulle {m}
zool. whale calfWalkalb {n}
zool. whale calvesWalkälber {pl}
zool. whale carcassWalkadaver {m}
whale catcherWalfänger {m}
ecol. zool. whale conservationistWalschützer {m}
ecol. zool. whale conservationistsWalschützer {pl}
zool. whale cowWalkuh {f}
zool. whale cowsWalkühe {pl}
ecol. whale deaths {pl}Walsterben {n}
biol. zool. whale fallWalfall {m}
biol. zool. whale fallWalsturz {m}
biol. zool. whale finWalflosse {f}
geol. zool. whale fossilWalfossil {n}
hunting whale huntWalfang {m} [einzelne Aktion]
hunting whale huntingWaljagd {f} [Jagen von Walen]
gastr. whale meatWalfleisch {n}
whale oilTran {m} [vom Wal]
whale oilWalfischtran {m} [ugs.]
whale oilWalöl {n}
ecol. zool. whale populationWalbestand {m}
ecol. zool. whale populationsWalbestände {pl}
acad. zool. whale researchWalforschung {f}
acad. jobs zool. whale researcherWalforscher {m}
acad. jobs zool. whale researcher [female]Walforscherin {f}
ecol. zool. whale sanctuaryWalschutzgebiet {n}
ecol. zool. whale sanctuaryWalschutzzone {f}
zool. whale skeletonWalskelett {n}
zool. whale songWalgesang {m}
zool. whale songsWalgesänge {pl}
zool. whale speciesWalart {f}
cloth. whale tail [thong underwear seen above waistband]Whale Tail {m} [selten]
whale watchersWalbeobachter {pl}
whale watchingWalbeobachtung {f}
whale-road [kenning]Walstraße {f} [Meer]
anat. zool. whale's stomachBauch {m} des Wales
3 Words: Nouns
zool. baby gray whale [Am.] [also: gray baby whale]Grauwalbaby {n} [auch: Grauwal-Baby]
zool. baby grey whale [Br.] [also: grey baby whale]Grauwalbaby {n} [auch: Grauwal-Baby]
zool. blue whale babyBlauwalbaby {n} [auch: Blauwal-Baby]
zool. blue whale calfBlauwalkalb {n} [auch: Blauwal-Kalb]
zool. blue whale calvesBlauwalkälber {pl}
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A 2012-03-22: oder: a whale of a time
A 2010-02-23: a whale of a tale
A 2009-03-14: to enjoy of a whale of a time < Tippfehler
A 2009-03-14: "to enjoy a whale of a time" (also nicht "enjoy of")
Q 2008-12-01: whale oil
A 2008-10-05: North Atlantic Right Whale Consortium8.21.2007. Vessel Strike Injury. Next...
A 2007-03-13: we had a whale of a time
A 2007-02-28: the yucky sound comes from the whale. believe me. not at all your fault!
A 2007-02-28: holy whale - hilarious! :-)
A 2007-02-28: Holy whale. Thank you.
A 2007-02-28: you know, I rather like the whale.
A 2007-02-28: "des Wales" means "of the whale". But that can't possibly be??
A 2004-04-21: whale

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