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English-German translation for: what's
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Dictionary English German: what's

Translation 1 - 50 of 273  >>


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'Sup? [what's up?] [sl.]Was ist los?
what's [what has]was hat
what's [what is]was ist
2 Words: Others
What's cooking? [coll.] [fig.]Was ist los?
What's cooking? [coll.] [fig.]Was tut sich?
What's cracking? [Aus.] [sl.]Wie geht's? [ugs.] [auch: Wie gehts?]
What's doing? [coll.]Was geht ab? [ugs.]
What's good? [Am.] [sl.]Was geht? [ugs.]
What's happened?Was ist denn passiert?
What's happening?Was gibt's?
What's happening?Was ist (denn) los?
what's moreund außerdem
what's more ...dazu kommt (noch) ...
What's more, ...Auch ...
what's more, ... {adv}darüber hinaus ...
What's new?Was gibt's Neues?
What's new?Was ist neu?
What's next?Was kommt als Nächstes?
What's next?Wie geht es weiter?
What's on? [coll.] [television, cinema]Was läuft? [ugs.] [Was wird im Fernsehen, Kino usw. gezeigt?]
What's on? [idiom]Was ist los?
What's shaking? [coll.]Was geht? [ugs.]
What's that?Was heißt das?
What's that? [coll.]Wie bitte?
games What's trumps? [What is trumps? or What trumps?]Was sticht? [Was ist Trumpf?] [im Kartenspiel]
games What's trumps? [What is trumps?]Was ist Trumpf? [im Kartenspiel]
What's up?Was geht? [ugs.]
What's up?Was gibt's?
What's up?Was ist los?
What's up?Was geht hier vor?
What's up? [Am.] [coll.]Wie geht's? [ugs.]
What's up? [coll.]Was geht ab? [ugs.]
What's with sb./sth.? [coll.]Was ist mit jdm./etw.?
What's wrong?Was ist los?
What's wrong?Was ist denn passiert?
What's wrong?Wo liegt das Problem?
What's wrong?Was / Wo ist das Problem?
3 Words: Others
and what's more ...und zudem ...
and what's more, ...und vor allem ...
So what's today? [coll.]Was liegt heute an? [ugs.]
TrVocab. What's ... in English?Was heißt ... auf Englisch?
What's biting you? [coll.] [idiom]Was ist mit dir los?
What's bothering you?Wo drückt es dich denn?
What's eating him? [coll.] [idiom]Was reitet denn den? [ugs.] [Redewendung]
What's eating you? [coll.] [idiom]Was bedrückt dich?
What's eating you? [coll.] [idiom]Was plagt dich?
What's eating you? [coll.] [idiom]Was quält dich?
What's eating you? [coll.] [idiom]Was hast du denn?
What's eating you? [coll.] [idiom]Was macht dir zu schaffen?
What's eating you? [coll.] [idiom]Welche Laus ist dir denn über die Leber gelaufen? [ugs.] [Redewendung]
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A 2024-08-29: @AliHeret: "What is happened" kann man überhaupt nicht sagen. What'S ha...
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A 2023-07-12: And what's your question?
A 2022-10-09: Fast fashion indeed? What's so cheap about _Christian Lacroix_ ? Or for th...
Q 2020-10-30: what's the difference?
Q 2020-08-30: What's wrong? No proofreading?
Q 2020-08-30: What's wrong? No proofreading?
A 2020-08-02: What are you trying to do? What's your problem? Enter a new translation?
A 2020-01-03: What's your point?
A 2019-06-24: Quote / 11:56: +(I need a term that works in US English.)+ What's the poin...
A 2019-06-18: Can't somebody in Germany simply open a PDF, right-click and tell me what...
Q 2019-01-11: what'S going down
A 2018-06-20: @BHM: What's the problem with getting one's own entries deleted?
A 2018-06-20: What's the problem with getting one's own entries deleted?
Q 2018-01-24: What's wrong with this translation? What's the sense of the passage?
Q 2018-01-17: What's the reasoning when using a noun without article
A 2017-10-30: This is what's essential:
Q 2017-10-20: What's the meaning of...
A 2017-09-13: it's strange: What's placed under a taboo are not so much the words themse...
Q 2017-08-11: what's jack?

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