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English-German Dictionary

English-German translation for: what number of
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Dictionary English German: what number of

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Partial Matches
What number child is this now?Das wievielte Kind ist das jetzt? [in einer Familie]
EU naut. European number of identification <ENI, ENI number>ENI-Nummer {f}
idiom to teach sb. what's what [coll.]jdm. die Flötentöne beibringen [ugs.]
idiom I decide what's what here.Hier bestimme ich, wo es langgeht.
to know (exactly) what's whatwissen, wo der Hammer hängt [ugs.] [hum.] [Redewendung]
what ofwovor
to know (exactly) what's whatwissen, wo der Barthel den Most holt [ugs.] [hum.] [Redewendung]
to know (exactly) what's whatwissen, wo der Frosch die Locken hat [ugs.] [hum.] [Redewendung]
what kind of {adv}welcherart
what kind of {adv}welcherlei
what sort of {adv}welcherlei
number ofAnzahl {f} von
a number of {adj}allerlei
a number of {adj}einige
a number of {adj}etliche
a number of {adj}mancherlei
a number of {adj}mehrere
any number ofunzählige
math. philos. concept of numberZahlbegriff {m}
math. philos. concept of numberZahlenbegriff {m}
number of animalsTierzahl {f}
travel number of bedsBettenanzahl {f}
gastr. travel number of bedsBettenzahl {f}
number of birthsGeburtenzahl {f}
number of candidatesKandidatenzahl {f}
number of casesFallzahl {f}
number of casualtiesOpferzahl {f}
biol. number of cellsZellanzahl {f}
biol. number of cellsZellzahl {f}
print number of charactersZeichenzahl {f}
number of childrenKinderzahl {f}
biol. number of chromosomesChromosomenzahl {f}
number of citizensBevölkerungszahl {f}
Internet number of clicksKlickzahl {f}
number of computersComputeranzahl {f}
electr. number of conductorsAdernzahl {f}
electr. number of contactsPolzahl {f}
number of copiesKopienzahl {f}
comm. number of customersKundenzahl {f}
number of cyclesPeriodenzahl {f}
electr. phys. number of cyclesZyklenzahl {f}
tech. number of cylindersZylinderzahl {f}
stat. number of deathsSterbefallzahl {f}
number of deathsTodesfälle {pl}
number of defectsFehlerzahl {f}
number of digitsStellenzahl {f}
zool. number of eggsEierzahl {f}
phys. number of electronsElektronenzahl {f}
math. tech. number of elementsElementnummer {f}
econ. number of employeesBeschäftigtenzahl {f}
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