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English-German Dictionary

English-German translation for: whenever
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Dictionary English German: whenever

Translation 1 - 17 of 17

English German
whenever {conj}
whenever {conj}immer wenn
whenever {adv}wann immer
whenever {conj}jedes Mal(,) wenn
whenever {adv}wann auch immer
whenever {adv}wenn auch immer
2 Words
whenever possible {adv}nach Möglichkeit
whenever possiblewann immer es möglich ist
3 Words
whenever you want {adv}jederzeit
wherever and whenever {adv}wo und wann auch immer
4 Words
whenever the salesman callsimmer wenn der Verkäufer einen Besuch macht
to do sth. whenever one cannach Möglichkeit etw. tun
5+ Words
whenever charges are so waivedwenn Gebühren so verweigert worden sind
whenever diagnostic reference levels are consistently exceeded {adv}bei jeder beständigen Überschreitung von diagnostischen Referenzwerten
quote Whenever people agree with me I always feel I must be wrong. [Oscar Wilde ]Wenn die Leute mir zustimmen, habe ich immer das Gefühl, ich muss mich irren.
tech. Whenever the receiver determines that the limit value is exceeded, ...Immer wenn der Empfänger eine Grenzwertüberschreitung feststellt, ...
Whenever you feel like it, drop in.Wann immer Sie Lust dazu haben, besuchen Sie uns doch.
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A 2020-09-29: We would also visit the school building(s) whenever convenient
A 2017-09-20: Whenever there is someone who considers this to be beneficial
A 2015-03-26: agree with iriemonloggedout ...... but it says whatever and not whe...
A 2013-11-25: Whenever you look for synonyms, the following LINX may be helpful
A 2013-11-13: @narionk: My proposal is to put case-hints behind the placeholder pronouns...
A 2013-08-28: Pronoun placeholders should be used whenever the meaning or use of a phras...
A 2013-01-22: @ Catesse: whenever a split is involved, there will be NO outvotes.
A 2012-09-07: oder "Whenever you got time"
A 2012-09-07: Whenever you have time
A 2012-05-23: Whenever in German you have more than only one object, or no verb dictatin...
A 2011-11-17: Why don't you circumnavigate what you detest, Catesse, and continue to mak...
A 2011-04-15: Typo: ... MPs +nay+ whenever ...
A 2011-04-15: Typo (15:29) +well-nigh+ - horses +neigh+ and MPs nay whenever they feel like it
A 2011-03-18: Mistake? Should be "Whenever you decide to leave"?
A 2010-09-29: It's a minimal to inaudible pause. In longer phrases, you change the "melo...
A 2010-08-05: Unless otherwise stated, whenever the masculine gender is used, both men a...
A 2010-06-12: start playing whenever they like
A 2010-06-08: A useful comment, whenever the masculine term is used more comprehensively...
A 2010-05-10: I can't help thinking of this joke whenever I hear/read hamper -
A 2009-12-19: PS: Whenever a Mac's OS hangs, the magic loading circle keeps turning and ...

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