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English-German translation for: whiskey
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Dictionary English German: whiskey

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NOUN   a whiskey | whiskeys/whiskies
SYNO   whiskey | whisky
NOUN   der Whiskey | - [Flüssigkeit]// [Portionen; Sorten] die Whiskeys/[Portionen nach Zahlen auch] Whiskey
gastr. whiskey [Am.] [Irish]
Whiskey {m}
gastr. poteen [Irish]schwarzgebrannter Whiskey {m}
2 Words: Nouns
bonded whiskeyunter Zollverschluss lagernder Whiskey {m}
gastr. bourbon whiskeyBourbon Whiskey {m} [auch: Bourbon-Whiskey]
corn whiskeyMaisschnaps {m}
corn whiskeyMaiswhisky {m}
gastr. corn whiskey [Am.]Mais-Whiskey {m} [auch: Maiswhiskey]
gastr. favorite whiskey [Am.]Lieblingswhisky {m}
gastr. Irish whiskeyIrischer Whisky {m}
gastr. malt whiskey [Am.] [Irish]Malzwhiskey {m}
gastr. rye (whiskey)Roggen-Whiskey {m} [auch: Roggenwhiskey]
gastr. rye whiskeyRoggenwhisky {m}
stumphole whiskey [Am.]schwarzgebrannter Whiskey {m}
vintage whiskeyJahrgangswhisky {m}
whiskey barrel [Am.] [Irish]Whiskeyfass {n}
whiskey bottle [Am.] [Irish]Whiskyflasche {f}
whiskey drinker [Irish] [Am.]Whiskeytrinker {m} [Rsv.]
whiskey glass [Am.] [Irish]Whiskeyglas {n}
hist. Whiskey Insurrection [less common]Whiskey-Rebellion {f}
whiskey malt [Am.] [Irish]Whiskeymalz {n}
hist. Whiskey RebellionWhiskey-Rebellion {f}
whiskey store [southeastern USA] [coll.]Schnapsladen {m}
hist. whiskey taxWhiskeysteuer {f}
3 Words: Others
mil. W for Whiskey [NATO phonetic alphabet]W wie Whiskey [NATO-Buchstabiertafel]
3 Words: Nouns
fin. hist. tax on whiskey [Am.]Whiskeysteuer {f}
4 Words: Nouns
juice of the barley [coll.] [hum.]Whiskey {m}
5+ Words: Nouns
gastr. a double whiskey / whisky / vodka / ...einen Doppelstöcker {m} Whiskey / Wodka / ... [ugs.]
Taxa/Species (Animals, Plants, Fungi)
bot. T
bot. T
bot. T
orn. T
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A 2021-08-22: 1. Cocktail mit Rotwein 2. der "Schuss / Kick" ( = Bourbon Whiskey) von d...
A 2014-07-15: handwerklich hergestellter Whiskey
A 2012-06-11: Whiskey or Whisky
A 2012-06-11: Whiskey ist irisch / amerikanisch. Hier geht es um schottischen Whisky
A 2012-06-11: since when??????????? In Scotland it is Whiskey!!
A 2012-06-11: der weltweit am meisten prämierte Single Malt Scotch Whiskey,......
A 2011-08-01: Er war kurz vor dem heulenden Elend - ein (weiterer) Whiskey hätte genügt ...
A 2011-06-04: Ich habe das hier gefunden: http://www.google.de/#sclient=psy&hl=de&rlz=1R...
A 2010-08-25: http://www.thekitchn.com/thekitchn/whiskey-vs-whisky-whats-the-difference-...
A 2010-02-24: Whiskey in the Jar , Aber das Lied vom Gretchen
A 2010-02-24: Ja z.B Whiskey in the Jar
A 2008-12-10: Irish Whiskey - Scottish Single Malt Whisky ...
Q 2008-04-05: He knocked back his whiskey.
A 2008-01-04: :-) US whiskey is also spelt whiskEy, in a pitiful attempt to mock the Iri...
A 2008-01-04: Could be a rack full of obnoxious US whiskey.
A 2007-12-14: I knew it!! this is actually the Whiskey-Forum!!!
A 2007-11-23: kleiner Schnaps / Stamperl Schnaps < shot (noun): a small drink of liq...
A 2007-09-18: it's like calling Whisky "Whiskey" (godesia: :-)))
Q 2007-08-02: rot gut in a whiskey discussion
A 2007-03-01: yes you are, Ballantines Scotch Whisky and Jameson's Irish Whiskey

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