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English-German Dictionary

English-German translation for: whistle-stop
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Dictionary English German: whistle stop

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NOUN   a whistle-stop | whistle-stops
SYNO   flag stop | way station | whistle stop
rail traffic whistle stopBedarfshaltestelle {f}
whistle-stop tripKurztrip {m}
rail whistle-stop [Am.] [flag stop]Bedarfshalt {m}
pol. whistle-stop [esp. Am.]kurzer Wahlkampfauftritt {m}
rail whistle-stop [Am.] [flag stop]fakultative Haltestelle {f}
rail whistle-stop [Am.] [flag stop]fakultativer Halt {m}
whistle-stop [esp. Am.] [also: whistle stop]Kurzaufenthalt {m}
lit. F Fried Green Tomatoes at the Whistle Stop Cafe [Fannie Flagg]Grüne Tomaten
film F Fried Green Tomatoes at the Whistle Stop Cafe [UK] [Jon Avnet]Grüne Tomaten
Partial Matches
VetMed. stop [dog anatomy]Stop {m} [Absatz zwischen Stirn und Nase]
comp. stop criterion [condition for a debugger break]Stop-Kriterium {n} [auch: Stopkriterium]
film F Stop! Or My Mom Will Shoot [Roger Spottiswoode]Stop! Oder meine Mami schießt!
MedTech. emergency stop {adj}Not-Stop- [alt]
stop ordersStop-Aufträge {pl} [alt]
tech. stop switchStop-Schalter {m} [alt]
theatre F Whistle Down the Wind [musical] [1989, 1996]Whistle Down the Wind
tech. emergency stop device <e-stop device>Einrichtung {f} zum Stillsetzen im Notfall
traffic STOP signSTOP-Schild {n}
film theatre F Bus Stop [play: William Inge, film: Joshua Logan]Bus Stop
law traffic Idaho stop [coll.] [Am.]Idaho-Stop {m} [ugs.]
to whistlepfeifen
mus. whistleFlöte {f}
whistlePfeife {f}
mus. penny whistlePenny Whistle {f}
mus. tin whistleTin Whistle {f}
whistle [sound]Pfiff {m}
(police) whistleTrillerpfeife {f}
alarm whistleAlarmpfeife {f}
mus. bird whistleVogelflöte {f}
bird whistleVogelpfeife {f}
cuckoo whistleKuckuckspfeife {f}
exhaust whistleAuspuffheuler {m}
sports final whistleSchlusspfiff {m}
Galton whistleGaltonpfeife {f}
sports opening whistleAnpfiff {m}
mus. penny whistleBlechflöte {f}
pigeon whistleTaubenflöte {f}
mus. slide whistleLotusflöte {f}
mus. song whistleLotusflöte {f}
sports starting whistleAnpfiff {m}
steam whistleDampfpfeife {f}
mus. swanee whistleLotusflöte {f}
mus. tin whistleBlechflöte {f}
mus. tin whistleZinnpfeife {f}
train whistleZugpfeife {f}
rail whistle boardPfeiftafel {f}
naut. whistle buoyHeulboje {f}
naut. whistle buoyHeultonne {f}
mus. whistle fluteKernspaltflöte {f}
rail whistle postPfeifpflock {m}
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