| English | German |  |
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Partial Matches |
 | The phones are (definitely) used too much. | Es wird (entschieden) zu viel telefoniert. |  |
 | Who are you? | Wer bist du? |  |
 | workers who are out of work | Arbeitslose {pl} |  |
 | Who are you? [to several people] | Wer seid ihr? |  |
 | relig. those who are not elect | die Nicht-Erwählten {pl} |  |
 | They are the ones who ... | Sie sind diejenigen, die ... |  |
 | Who are you supposed to be? | Wen sollst du darstellen? |  |
 | film F Those Who Are Fine | Dene wos guet geit [Cyril Schäubli] |  |
 | Do they know who you are? | Wissen sie, wer du bist? |  |
 | I admit there are people who ... | Es gibt zwar Leute, die ... |  |
 | I suppose there are people who ... | Es gibt wohl Leute, die ... |  |
 | What / Who are you ashamed of? | Wessen schämst du dich? [geh.] |  |
 | Who do you think you are? | Für wen halten Sie sich (eigentlich)? |  |
 | Who do you think you are? | Für wen hältst du dich eigentlich? |  |
 | Persons who are present in the room ... | Personen, die sich im Raum befinden, ... |  |
 | Who do you think you are? | Was glaubst du (eigentlich), wer du bist? |  |
 | telecom. who-are-you symbol [dated] [on a teleprinter] | Wer-da-Zeichen {n} [veraltet] [am Fernschreiber] |  |
 | who's who | Who is Who {n} |  |
 | We tend to reject those who are different. | Wir neigen dazu, die, die anders sind, auszustoßen. |  |
 | There are more people who surrender, than those who fail. | Es gibt mehr Leute, die kapitulieren, als solche, die scheitern. |  |
 | med. People who are overweight are more likely to suffer from diabetes. | Leute mit Übergewicht leiden häufiger an Diabetes. |  |
 | proverb It's not who you are, it's who you know. | Es geht nicht darum, wer du bist, sondern wen du kennst. |  |
 | Who / who's farted? [coll.] | Wer hat gefurzt? [ugs.] |  |
 | med. WHO-adapted prognostic scoring system <WPSS> | WHO-adaptierter Prognosescore {m} für MDS |  |
 | quote Those who are late will be punished by life itself. [Gennadi Ivanovich Gerasimov] | Wer zu spät kommt, den bestraft das Leben. [Gennadi Iwanowitsch Gerassimow] |  |
 | proverb Tell me who your friends are, and I'll tell you who you are. | Sag mir, wer deine Freunde sind, und ich sage dir, wer du bist. |  |
 | Social Register® [specific to the U.S.] | Who's who {n} [der gehobenen Gesellschaft, USA] |  |
 | pol. World Health Organization <WHO> | Weltgesundheitsorganisation {f} <WHO> |  |
 | hist. quote (Hail, Caesar,) those who are about to die salute you. [combatants' salute to the Roman emperor] | (Heil dir, Cäsar,) die Todgeweihten grüßen dich. [Kämpfer zum römischen Kaiser] |  |
 | med. WHO classification of tumours of the central nervous system [Br.] | WHO-Klassifikation {f} der Tumoren des zentralen Nervensystems |  |
 | definitely {adv} | absolut |  |
 | definitely {adv} | bestimmt |  |
 | definitely {adv} | definitiv |  |
 | definitely {adv} | durchaus |  |
 | definitely {adv} | eindeutig |  |
 | definitely {adv} | endgültig |  |
 | It's unclear who's who. | Es ist unklar, wer wer ist. |  |
 | film F Guess Who [Kevin Rodney Sullivan] | Guess Who - Meine Tochter kriegst du nicht! |  |
 | pharm. QM WHO certificate | WHO-Zertifikat {n} |  |
 | quote Ah lean down, / You who are full of sorrow, / Your face mercifully on my distress! | Ach neige, / Du Schmerzenreiche, / Dein Antlitz gnädig meiner Not! [J. W. v. Goethe, Faust] [häufig falsch zitiert: „... Schmerzensreiche ...“] |  |
 | definitely not {adv} | keinesfalls |  |
 | definitely {adv} | auf jeden Fall |  |
 | definitely {adv} | fix [österr.] [definitiv] |  |
 | definitely {adv} | mit Bestimmtheit [bestimmt] |  |
 | definitely not | bestimmt nicht |  |
 | definitely not {adv} | durchaus nicht |  |
 | Definitely that. | Genau das. |  |
 | to answer definitely | entschieden antworten |  |
 | definitely no one | absolut keiner |  |
 | Those who act while others are still talking are a great step ahead in life. [quotation: J. F. Kennedy] | Einen Vorsprung im Leben hat, wer da anpackt, wo die anderen erst einmal reden. [Zitat: J. F. Kennedy] |  |
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