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English-German translation for: whom
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Dictionary English German: whom

Translation 1 - 75 of 75

English German
PRON  who | whom | whose ... 
whom {pron}
whom {pron}
whom {pron}
whom {pron}
2 Words: Others
(to) whom {pron}dem
among whomunter welchen
among whomunter wen
anyone whomjedem dem
between whomzwischen wem
for whomfür den / die / das [Personen]
To whom ...An wen ...
2 Words: Nouns
about whomderetwegen [{f} {sg}]
about whomderetwegen [{pl}]
3 Words: Others
according to whom {pron} [female person]der zufolge [Person]
according to whom {pron} [male person]demzufolge [Person]
all of whom {pron}die allesamt
as for whomderetwegen [{f} {sg}]
because of whom {adv}derenthalben [Menschen oder weiblicher Mensch] [veraltet]
because of whom {adv}derentwegen [Menschen oder weiblicher Mensch]
because of whom {adv}dessenthalben [Person] [veraltet]
because of whom {adv}dessentwegen [Mensch] [veraltet] [wegen welchem]
because of whom {adv}wessentwegen [veraltet] [weswegen]
both of whom ...von denen beide ...
many of whom {pron}von denen viele
most of whom ...von denen die meisten ...
one of whom ... {pron}wovon einer ...
some of whom {pron}von denen einige
to which / whom {adv}zu dem / der / denen
3 Words: Nouns
because of whomderetwegen [{f} {sg}]
because of whomderetwegen [{pl}]
4 Words: Others
on account of whom {adv}derenthalben [eine oder mehrere Personen] [veraltet]
on account of whom {adv}derentwegen [Menschen oder weiblicher Mensch]
on account of whom {pron}deretwegen [{f} {sg}]
on account of whom {pron}deretwegen [{pl}]
on account of whom {adv}dessenthalben [Mensch] [veraltet]
on account of whom {adj}dessentwegen [Mensch] [veraltet] [wegen welchem]
Whom did you see? [formal]Wen hast du gesehen?
Whom does it affect?Wen betrifft es? [negativ]
Whom should I address?Wer ist mein Ansprechpartner?
Whom should I approach?An wen soll ich mich wenden?
5+ Words: Others
... all of whom would otherwise rarely be of the same opinion...., die alle sonst eher selten einer Meinung wären.
all whom it may concernalle, die es angeht
bibl. quote But He has made me a byword of the people, And I am one at whom men spit. [Job 17:6; NASB]Er hat mich zum Sprichwort unter den Leuten gemacht, und ich muß mir ins Angesicht speien lassen. [Hiob 17,6; Luther 1912 / 1984]
for the sake of whom {adv}um wessentwillen [veraltend] [wem zuliebe]
for the sake of whom {adv}wem zuliebe
idiom for whom the bell tollswem die Stunde schlägt
from whom it received the ordervon dem es den Auftrag erhielt
from whom the order was receivedvon dem der Auftrag zuging
proverb He dances well to whom fortune pipes.Wem das Glück aufspielt, der hat gut tanzen.
proverb Honor to whom honor is due. [Am.]Ehre, wem Ehre gebührt.
proverb Honour to whom honour is due. [Br.]Ehre, wem Ehre gebührt.
bibl. Honour to whom honour is due. [Br.]Ehre, dem die Ehre gebührt. [Röm 13,7; Luther 1984] [oft zit. als: Ehre, wem Ehre gebührt.]
The boys, one of whom I know, ...Die Jungen, von denen ich einen kenne, ...
The man whom / who I danced with ...Der Mann, mit dem ich getanzt habe, ...
The woman whom / who I danced with ...Die Frau, mit der ich getanzt habe, ...
Through whom did you learn that?Durch wen hast du das erfahren?
To whom it may concernSehr geehrte Damen und Herren [z. B. Überschrift über Urkunden]
To Whom It May Concern [introduction letter etc. if recipient unknown][An alle, die es betrifft (z. B. Einleitung in Briefen, Bescheinigungen); wird im Deutschen nicht wörtlich übersetzt]
To Whom It May Concern [introduction letter etc. if recipient unknown]Sehr geehrte Damen und Herren, [Einleitung in Briefen, Bescheinigungen etc., wenn Adressat unbekannt]
To whom it may concern ...An die zuständige Abteilung ...
Who / whom do you take me for?Für wen hältst du mich (eigentlich)?
Whom / Who am I speaking with? [phone call]Mit wem spreche ich? [Telefonat]
Whom do you want to see?Zu wem wollen Sie? [formelle Anrede]
Whom should I meet but ...Wen anders sollte ich treffen als ...
proverb Whom the gods love dies young.Wen Gott liebt, ruft er früh zu sich.
With whom do I have the pleasure of speaking?Mit wem habe ich das Vergnügen zu sprechen?
With whom do you deal as a rule?Wo kaufen Sie gewöhnlich?
With whom do you deal as a rule?Mit wem haben Sie gewöhnlich zu tun?
X, Y, and Z, the latter of whom / which ...X, Y und Z, welch Letztere / Letzterer / Letzteres ...
5+ Words: Verbs
to all whom it may concernan alle, die es angeht
5+ Words: Nouns
person to whom the small child relates most closelywichtigste Bezugsperson {f} des Kleinkindes
the mere description of whomdessen / deren bloße Beschreibung {f}
comm. to whom it may concern [usual form of heading]Bescheinigung {f} [übliche Form der Überschrift]
Fiction (Literature and Film)
film lit. F For Whom the Bell Tolls [novel: Ernest Hemingway, film: Sam Wood]Wem die Stunde schlägt
lit. F Raven ParadoxWhom the Bell TollsRabenparadoxWem die Stunde schlägt [Marcel Weyers]
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A 2021-09-16: To whom all these presents shall come, greeting: +these presents > this do...
Q 2021-09-16: To whom all these presents shall come greeting
A 2020-02-19: Well, if you do not like to get in touch with people, to whom do you want ...
Q 2020-01-06: Gehorsam to what or whom?
A 2018-12-29: Like you say, "whom" should be the correct term if it schould become/be mo...
A 2018-04-01: Who's behind Numbeo? +Fide sed cui vide+ #) / 'fīdĕ sĕd 'kŭĭ 'wĭdē/ ~ Watc...
A 2018-03-02: @ pol-: an unwelcome message to whom? Islamists? Well …
A 2016-08-26: Whom does Ken know? = WEN kennt Ken?
A 2016-08-26: I am pretty sure, "Whom does Ken know?" is correct.
A 2016-05-17: but WHOM is totally ok (and should be used correctly more often)
Q 2016-05-16: [...] of whom he thought was fake
Q 2016-02-23: Who's doing what to whom?
A 2016-01-29: Asked by whom
A 2016-01-12: https://www.google.co.uk/#q=%22Kto+kovo%22+%22who%2C+whom%22
A 2015-12-30: To whom it may concern
A 2015-12-27: Soll ..... ohne -te all are fine, depends to whom you speak .....
Q 2015-12-14: Who's doing what to whom?
A 2015-11-20: Why don't you provide context, ksoktogon? Who wants to sell what to whom?
A 2015-11-13: Oxford sieht die who/whom-Sache so:
Q 2015-10-20: whom/who

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