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English-German translation for: wide variety
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Dictionary English German: wide variety

Translation 1 - 50 of 565  >>

wide varietyVielzahl {f}
Keywords contained
wide variety of goodsreiches Angebot {n} an Waren
Partial Matches
bot. varietyAbart {f}
varietyAbwechslung {f}
varietyArt {f} [Abart, Variante]
varietyAuswahl {f}
varietyMannigfaltigkeit {f}
varietySonderform {f}
varietySorte {f}
varietySpielart {f}
varietyUnterschiedlichkeit {f}
varietyVariante {f}
varietyVarietät {f}
theatre varietyVarieté {n}
theatre varietyVariété {n} [schweiz.]
theatre varietyVarietee {n} [offizielle Rsv. von 1996 bis 2017] [Varieté]
varietyVerschiedenartigkeit {f}
varietyVerschiedenheit {f}
varietyVielfalt {f}
varietyVielfältigkeit {f}
varietyVielgestaltigkeit {f}
varietyVielzahl {f}
agr. hort. varietyZüchtung {f} [Pflanzen]
bot. spec. variety <var.>Varietät {f} <var.>
variety-specific {adj}sortenspezifisch
to add varietyeine neue Form hinzufügen
to give varietyAbwechslung bieten
to give varietyeine Vielzahl bieten
to lack varietyabwechslungslos sein
math. abelian varietyabelsche Varietät {f}
additional varietyzusätzliche Vielfalt {f}
math. algebraic varietyalgebraische Varietät {f}
zool. animal varietyTiervarietät {f}
bot. gastr. hort. apple varietyApfelsorte {f}
bewildering varietyverwirrende Vielfalt {f}
component varietyKomponentenvielfalt {f}
agr. crop varietyFruchtsorte {f}
cultivated varietygezüchtete Abart {f}
bot. hort. cultivated varietyKultursorte {f}
oenol. grape varietyKreszenz {f} [Rebsorte]
oenol. grape varietyRebsorte {f}
oenol. grape varietyTraubensorte {f}
ling. language varietySprachvarietät {f}
large varietygroße Vielfalt {f}
limited varietyTypenbeschränkung {f}
automot. furn. tech. model varietyModellvielfalt {f} [auch: Modell-Vielfalt]
ling. national varietynationale Varietät {f} [auch: Standardvarietät]
bot. new varietyNeuzüchtung {f} [Pflanze]
biol. plant varietyPflanzensorte {f}
math. Prym varietyPrym-Varietät {f}
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A 2018-11-27: Annoyingly the hair version seems to cover a wide variety of possibilities
Q 2016-08-08: The device is well-suited for a wide variety of medical and cosmetic appli...
A 2009-05-28: Hi Romy. Can't think that AE has a special term for that beyond "drawer"....
Q 2007-08-12: handle a wide variety of requirements
A 2006-06-22: a wide variety of .....

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