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English-German translation for: widely-used
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Dictionary English German: widely used

Translation 1 - 50 of 322  >>

widely used {adj}häufig benutzt
widely used {adj} {past-p}weit verbreitet [Wort, Gerät etc.]
Keywords contained
most widely used {adj}meistbenutzt
most widely used {adj}meistgebraucht
most widely used {adj}meistverwendet
widely used bearer cheque [Br.]weit verbreiteter Inhaberscheck {m}
They have been widely used.Sie sind viel benutzt worden.
Partial Matches
widely {adv}breitflächig
widely {adv}weit
widely {adv}weitgehend
widely {adv}weithin
most widely {adv}weitestgehend
widely accepted {adj}weithin akzeptiert
widely different {adj}ganz verschieden
widely different {adj}völlig verschieden
widely differing {adj}sich stark unterscheidend
widely discredited {adj} {past-p}weitgehend diskreditiert
widely distributed {adj}diffus
widely held {adj}weit verbreitet [Ansicht]
widely held {adj}weitverbreitet [Ansicht]
widely known {adj}weit bekannt
widely known {adj}weithin bekannt
widely publicized {adj}breit veröffentlicht
widely ramified {adj}weit verzweigt
widely ramified {adj}weitverzweigt
widely read {adj}verbreitet [Zeitung]
widely read {adj}vielgelesen
widely scattered {adj}weit verstreut
widely separated {adj}weit auseinanderliegend
widely spaced {adj}weit auseinander [Zähne]
widely spread {adv}breit gefächert [Geschäft]
widely spread {adj}breitgestreut
widely spread {adj} {past-p}weit gespreizt
widely spread {adj}weit gestreut
widely spread {adj}weit verbreitet
widely travelled {adj}viel gereist
widely travelled {adj}vielgereist
widely travelled {adj}weit gereist
widely useful {adj}vielseitig einsetzbar
widely varied {adj}breitgefächert
widely-cited {adj}viel zitiert
to advertise widelysehr viel werben
to differ widelyerheblich voneinander abweichen
to differ widelystark voneinander abweichen
to vary widelysichAkk. stark unterscheiden
widely traveled {adj} [Am.]weit gereist
to use sth. widelyetw.Akk. in großem Umfang verwenden
to use sth. widelyetw. in großem Umfang nutzen
agr. hort. oenol. most widely cultivated {adj}meistangebaut
agr. hort. oenol. most widely grown {adj}meistangebaut
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A 2015-10-22: PS: +foreign representations+ widely used
A 2015-02-11: It's quite a common 'device' in AE, also known in Britain from films and t...
A 2014-10-19: Adjective - Aerarium was widely used from Poland to Hungary, from Austria ...
A 2012-03-19: Not sure about BE, but "kaffeeklatsch" is still widely used and understood here.
A 2011-01-23: It's not a construction that's widely used in patents, I wouldn't think :-)
A 2010-12-03: Agree with MichaelK - grand aunt is a widely used genealogical term
A 2010-05-28: To adapt zou's answer a little - "school" is a widely used synonym for "un...
A 2008-12-18: I personally don't fancy the word "entrepreneur" either, still it is widel...
A 2008-04-15: "the reason why" is widely used, but mostly incorrect, too :-))
A 2008-04-11: ok, but it doesn't seem to be very widely used---
A 2008-02-03: 'health and beauty products' is widely used too
A 2007-11-22: staff member is widely used and is a perfectly good term, it's just
A 2007-04-24: Wuffke is right: "Best regards" is widely used
A 2006-09-18: 'protect its reputation' is probably more widely used
A 2006-09-11: "upstart" in the sense of new business is actually widely used and it goog...
A 2006-09-01: I have no idea how widely used this term is....
A 2006-07-15: Dear Sir, dear Madam is widely used
A 2006-07-06: interface is very widely used
A 2006-03-29: award OF costs < more widely used
Q 2006-02-15: Frozen chuck and short plate are widely used in traditional Chinese hot-po...

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Contains translations by TU Chemnitz and Mr Honey's Business Dictionary (German-English). Thank you!
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