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English-German translation for: wider den Stachel löcken
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Dictionary English German: wider den Stachel löcken

Translation 1 - 50 of 7014  >>

idiom to kick against the pricks [oppose authority]wider den Stachel löcken [geh.]
Partial Matches
relig. sin against the Holy SpiritSünde {f} wider den Heiligen Geist
The water reflects the tree.Das Wasser spiegelt den Baum wider.
to take the sting out of sth. [idiom]etw.Dat. den Stachel nehmen [Redewendung]
against {prep}wider [+Akk.]
contra {prep}wider [+Akk.]
against expectation {adv}wider Erwarten
against expectations {adv}wider Erwarten
contrary to expectation {adv}wider Erwarten
contrary to expectations {adv}wider Erwarten
unexpectedly {adv} [contrary to expectations]wider Erwarten
sth. echoesetw. hallt wider
sth. re-echoesetw. hallt wider
sth. resoundsetw. hallt wider
sth. re-echoedetw. hallte wider
sth. resoundedetw. hallte wider
sth. reflectedetw. spiegelte wider
against sb.'s will {adv}wider jds. Willen
for and againstfür und wider
pro and con {adj}für und wider
pro and contrafür und wider
against one's better judgement {adv}wider bessere Einsicht
against one's better judgment {adv}wider besseres Wissen
abhorrent to nature {adj}wider die Natur
against nature {adv}wider die Natur
against my wishes {adv}wider meine Wünsche
against my will {adv}wider meinen Willen
lit. F The Spy in the Ointment [Donald E. Westlake]Held wider Willen
lit. F The Reason for Marriage [Stephanie Laurens]Hochzeit wider Willen
RadioTV F DNR [House season 1]Leben wider Willen
film F Together Again [Charles Vidor]Modell wider Willen
film F The Sheriff of Fractured Jaw [Raoul Walsh]Sheriff wider Willen
against all common sense {adv}wider alle Vernunft [geh.]
against my advice {adv}wider meinen Rat [geh.]
yeas and naysStimmen {pl} für und wider
film F The Reluctant Dragon [Alfred L. Werker]Der Drache wider Willen
contrary to our expectations {adv}wider Erwarten [entgegen unseren Erwartungen]
Tit for tat. [idiom]Wurst wider Wurst. [Redewendung] [veraltet]
sth. is mirrored inetw. spiegelt sich wider in
the pros and cons {pl}das Für und Wider {sg}
He couldn't help laughing.Er musste wider Willen lachen.
to study the pros and consdas Für und Wider abwägen
to weigh up the pros and consdas Für und Wider abwägen
bot. acanthaStachel {m}
goad [spur, sting]Stachel {m}
spec. piquant [rare] [obs.] [spine]Stachel {m}
prick [sting, spike]Stachel {m}
biol. med. prickleStachel {m}
spikeStachel {m}
spineStachel {m}
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A 2011-03-03: Na, da würde ich aber mächtig wider den Stachel löcken.

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Zuletzt gesucht
Ähnliche Begriffe
wider alle Vernunft
wider bessere Einsicht
wider besseres Wissen
• wider den Stachel löcken
wider die Natur
Wide Receiver
wider Erwarten
widerfährt jdm./etw.

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