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English-German translation for: widespread
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Dictionary English German: widespread

Translation 1 - 33 of 33

English German
ADJ   widespread | more widespread/widerspread | most widespread
SYNO   far-flung | widespread
widespread {adj}
widespread {adj}
widespread {adj}
widespread {adj}
widespread {adj}
widespread {adj}
widespread {adj}
verstreut [verbreitet]
widespread {adj}allgemein verbreitet
widespread {adj}breit gefächert
widespread {adj}breit gelagert
widespread {adj}breit gestreut
widespread {adj}weit ausgebreitet
widespread {adj}weit verbreitet
widespread {adj} [support, criticism, etc.]auf breiter Front [nachgestellt] [Unterstützung, Kritik etc.]
2 Words: Others
more widespread {adj}weiterverbreitet
most widespread {adj}meistverbreitet
most widespread {adj}verbreitetste
most widespread {adj}weitverbreitetste
2 Words: Nouns
widespread anxietyverbreitete Besorgnis {f}
widespread concernbreite Betroffenheit {f}
widespread concernverbreitete Besorgnis {f}
widespread concernweitverbreitete Besorgnis {f}
widespread connectionsausgedehnte Beziehungen {pl}
widespread criticismverbreitete Kritik {f}
biol. ecol. geol. widespread deaths {pl}Massensterben {n}
med. widespread diseaseVolkskrankheit {f}
widespread dissatisfactionweitverbreiteter Unmut {m}
3 Words: Nouns
a widespread beliefeine verbreitete Ansicht {f}
4 Words: Nouns
bot. mycol. zool. (widespread) non-indigenous species {pl}Neobiota {pl}
5+ Words: Nouns
biol. (large or widespread) slope movementsGroßhangbewegungen {pl}
meteo. widespread dust (in suspension in the air) [not raised by wind at or near the station at the time of observation] [WMO code 06]verbreiteter Schwebstaub {m} [nicht vom Wind herangeführt]
Taxa/Species (Animals, Plants, Fungi)
zool. T
zool. T
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A 2021-11-10: dann: to win widespread acceptance, to catch on widely
A 2020-06-10: widespread, (almost) everywhere, not only in clusters
Q 2017-06-27: Anybody any the worse for it? WashPost: +Massive cyberattack hits Europe w...
A 2013-02-09: It's widespread.
A 2013-02-02: "Law biding" is a widespread American misspelling of "law-abiding."
A 2011-12-14: I think dots are quite widespread in the UK.
A 2010-11-24: large, widespread, broad circulation,
A 2010-07-09: I don't think it's very widespread
A 2010-07-05: awaken widespread interest
A 2010-05-25: You guys not only midwestern but widespread Down Under...
A 2010-05-01: ... helped to develop an ethos throughout the company / met with widesprea...
A 2009-11-19: How widespread is the use of Dirndl to mean Mädchen?
A 2009-04-14: aber "approved" klingt wie "genehmigt". "acclaimed" ? "found widespread ap...
A 2009-01-29: The widespread use of computers offers graduates in information science a ...
A 2008-06-16: Advertising is widespread in modern societies and growing more all the tim...
A 2007-08-18: Little potential for further growth as distribution is already widespread ...
Q 2007-07-17: widespread, fighting
A 2006-12-07: where delinquency is widespread / rife
A 2006-07-06: maybe: most widespread
A 2004-05-10: endemic disease/widespread disease

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