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Dictionary English German: wife

Translation 1 - 50 of 183  >>

English German
NOUN   a wife | wives
SYNO   married woman | wife
Ehefrau {f}
Frau {f} [Ehefrau]
Gattin {f} [geh.]
Weib {n} [veraltet oder regional: Ehefrau]
Alte {f} [ugs.]
hist. law [a wife's power to represent her husband in matters concerning the household]
Schlüsselgewalt {f}
Gemahlin {f} [geh.]
Ehegattin {f} [geh.]
wifeEheweib {n} [hum., sonst veraltet]
2 Words: Verbs
to wife up [sl.]sich verheiraten
2 Words: Nouns
admiral's wifeAdmiralsgattin {f}
ambassador's wifeBotschafterfrau {f}
another's wifedie Frau {f} eines anderen / Anderen
another's wifedie Frau {f} eines andern / Andern
army wifeSoldatenfrau {f}
aspiring wifeEheaspirantin {f}
baker's wifeBäckersfrau {f}
beloved wifeEheliebste {f} [veraltet] [noch hum.]
beloved wifegeliebte Frau {f} [Ehefrau]
blacksmith's wifeFrau {f} des Schmieds
boss's wifeFrau {f} vom Chef
canny wife [Scot.]hübsche Frau {f}
chancellor's wifeFrau {f} des Kanzlers
chief wifeHauptfrau {f}
child-wifekindliche Ehefrau {f}
colonel's wifeFrau {f} des Obersten
colonel's wifeFrau {f} des Obersts
consul's wifeFrau {f} des Konsuls
corporal's wifeKorporalin {f} [veraltet] [Frau eines Korporals]
dean's wifeFrau {f} des Dekans
Internet dear wife <DW>Ehefrau {f}
dentist's wifeZahnarztfrau {f} [Ehefrau]
deserted wifeverlassene Ehefrau {f}
divorced wifegeschiedene Ehefrau {f}
estranged wifeNoch-Ehefrau {f}
ex-wifeExfrau {f}
ex-wifeEx-Frau {f}
ex-wifefrühere Frau {f}
farmer's wifeBäuerin {f}
farmer's wifeBauernfrau {f}
farmer's wifeBauersfrau {f}
farmer's wifeFarmersfrau {f}
favorite wife [Am.]Lieblingsfrau {f}
favourite wife [Br.]Lieblingsfrau {f}
fisherman's wifeFischerfrau {f} [Ehefrau des Fischers]
fisherman's wifeFischersfrau {f} [Frau eines Fischers]
forester's wifeForstmeisterin {f} [früher benutzt als Bezeichnung für die Ehefrau des Forstmeisters]
future wifezukünftige Ehefrau {f}
general's wifeGeneralin {f} [veraltet]
jobs hen-wifeHühnerfrau {f}
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A 2023-11-25: Avoid the word “shed”. Your wife is right.
Q 2018-05-02: le faux ami de Macron: “Thank you and your delicious wife for your warm we...
A 2018-01-20: "lady Luck" conveys a double meaning: His wife could also be seen as "Lady Luck"
A 2017-01-11: Don't you think the man / hubby understood what his girlfriend / wife mean...
A 2016-08-22: The party / person present declares that he and his wife live under the ma...
A 2016-08-13: As +both my wife and I+ knew that this would happen one day
A 2015-05-30: Another phenomenon: A Frenchman naturalized in the USA, his US wife and th...
A 2015-05-21: Both the husband and the wife each shall be ordered to pay half the court fees.
Q 2015-05-08: pushpin im Zusammenhang: There is no telling whether he loves his dog, be...
Q 2014-08-13: A.B. had a reputation of caring more for his horses than he had for his wi...
A 2014-04-30: gatv's text is from "The Good Wife"
Q 2013-03-16: I hear my wife's voice
A 2012-08-01: Wife of a peeress is nonsense -
A 2012-07-28: Your wife would definitely be "du".
A 2012-03-30: The sentence before says that he is phoning his wife and children,
A 2012-03-03: Well, it's all my wife's doing, and she runs the operation.
A 2012-03-01: Isn't his wife who will be having a "Mordsfreude"?
Q 2012-02-11: I'm mired in a foul ennui as my wife's illness advances.
A 2012-01-27: Yes, so true. My wife's the leadfoot, and she loved driving in Germany.
A 2011-11-15: If your wife speaks German, why not ask her?

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