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English-German translation for: willing
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Dictionary English German: willing

Translation 1 - 65 of 65

English German
ADJ   willing | more willing | most willing
NOUN1   willing | willings
NOUN2   willing | -
VERB  to will | willed | willed
willing | wills
SYNO   volition | willing | uncoerced ... 
willing {adj}
willing {adj}
willing {adj}
willens [geh.] [nur präd.]
willing {adj}
willing {adj}
sports willing {adj}
willing {pres-p}
willing {adj} [audience]
geneigt [Publikum]
philos. willing
Wollen {n}
2 Words: Others
God willingso Gott will
more willing {adj}bereitwilliger
most willing {adj}bereitwilligste
vaccine-willing {adj}impfwillig
2 Words: Verbs
to be willingzustimmen
to be willinggeneigt sein
2 Words: Nouns
(willing) toolErfüllungsgehilfe {m} [fig.]
willing handsdienstbare Geister {pl}
willing servanthilfsbereiter Diener {m}
willing toolwillfähriges Werkzeug {n} [fig.]
3 Words: Others
..., Allah willing...., so Allah es will.
willing to die {adj} [postpos.]sterbewillig
willing to emigrate {adj} [postpos.]auswanderungswillig
willing to integrate {adj} [postpos.]integrationswillig
willing to learn {adj} [postpos.]lernbereit
willing to learn {adj} [postpos.]lernwillig
willing to leave {adj} [postpos.] [a country]ausreisewillig
willing to negotiate {adj} [postpos.]verhandlungsbereit
willing to pay {adj} [postpos.]zahlungswillig
hunting willing to please {adj} [postpos.]leichtführig [Hund]
willing to relocate {adj} [postpos.] [person]umzugsbereit
willing to serve {adj}dienstbereit [veraltend] [dienstwillig]
willing to supplybereit zu liefern
willing to work {adj} [postpos.]arbeitsfreudig [arbeitswillig]
willing to work {adj} [postpos.]arbeitswillig
4 Words: Others
willing to accept responsibility {adj} [postpos.]verantwortungsfreudig
willing to be vaccinated {adj} [postpos.]impfwillig
willing to give information {adj} [postpos.]auskunftsbereit
willing to make sacrifices {adj} [postpos.]opferbereit
willing to make sacrifices {adj} [postpos.]opferwillig
willing to take risks {adj} [postpos.]risikobereit
willing to work hard {adj}bereit hart zu arbeiten
Unverified without (my) willing it {adv}ohne mein Zutun
4 Words: Verbs
to be able and willingfähig und willens sein
to be willing to do sth.bereit sein, etw. zu tun
to be willing to do sth.willens sein, etw. zu tun [geh.]
to be willing to obligeentgegenkommend sein
to lend sb. a willing earjdm. ein geneigtes / williges Ohr leihen
4 Words: Nouns
mil. pol. coalition of the willingKoalition {f} der Willigen
art lit. philos. willing suspension of disbeliefwillentliche Aussetzung {f} der Ungläubigkeit
5+ Words: Others
proverb All lay load on a willing horse.Auf ein williges Pferd legen alle ihre Last.
Are you willing to wait?Sind Sie bereit zu warten?
How far are you willing to go?Wie weit bist du bereit zu gehen?
idiom I am willing to own ...Ich gebe gerne zu, ...
I'm willing to admit that ...Ich gebe schon zu, dass ...
Unverified sb. is willing to resort to unlawful measures.jdm. sind (auch) widerrechtliche Mittel recht.
The employees are ready and willing to use new technology.Die Arbeitnehmer sind bereit und willens, neue Technologien einzusetzen.
proverb The spirit is willing, but the flesh is weak.Der Geist ist willig, aber das Fleisch ist schwach.
willing to get a vaccine {adj} [postpos.]impfwillig
willing to resort to violence {adj} [postpos.]gewaltbereit
5+ Words: Verbs
to be least willing (to do sth)am wenigsten bereit sein (etw. zu tun)
to be more than willing to do sth.mehr als gewillt sein, etw. zu tun
to be willing to compromise on sth.in etw.Dat. kompromissbereit sein
to be willing to take the heat for sth. [fig.]bereit sein, seinen Kopf für etw.Akk. hinzuhalten [fig.]
to be willing to undergo a riskbereit sein, ein Risiko auf sich zu nehmen
5+ Words: Nouns
party, who is willing to develop the landBauwilliger {m}
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A 2019-07-12: "If you wouldn't mind" ~ if you were willing not to mind; "if you would be...
Q 2017-06-19: Any big shot willing to enter +chip time / gun time+ into dict.cc? #872500
A 2017-03-05: Willing Answer
A 2015-07-12: I don't think there's anything against having them all in - if somebody's ...
A 2015-02-11: Is anyone willing to assist me?
A 2013-04-25: Neither was willing to sit on the floor.
A 2011-09-20: willing simply to accept ...?
Q 2011-07-10: “Knowing is not enough; we must apply. Willing is not enough; we must do.”...
Q 2011-04-28: willing to interact
A 2011-04-06: goods is anything someone's willing to pay for
A 2011-03-22: No, I was fascinated by the amount of money that Lord Birkenhead was willi...
Q 2010-12-28: willing selflessness
A 2010-09-06: No one willing to give us their try today?
A 2010-01-12: or "willing to perform 'less common' / extreme sexual practices"
A 2009-12-05: Hm.... "try the magic word" implies that you are principally willing to give in.
A 2009-10-23: sp. please think of the people willing to learn German. your spelling need...
Q 2009-10-11: Is anyone willing to check, if these sentences are correct?
A 2009-03-01: You should state that you are very sorry, willing to compensate for any lo...
A 2009-02-17: I am willing to accept that anonymous is a professional translator
Q 2008-12-11: I'm willing to take the heat for it = Ich bin willens, dafür gerade zu ste...

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