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English-German translation for: willingness
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Dictionary English German: willingness

Translation 1 - 57 of 57

English German
NOUN   willingness | -
Bereitschaft {f}
Einsatzbereitschaft {f}
Willigkeit {f}
Wille {m} [Willigkeit]
fin. willingness
Risikobereitschaft {f}
Bereitwilligkeit {f}
Geneigtheit {f}
2 Words: Nouns
eager willingnessBereitwilligkeit {f}
jobs travel travel willingnessReisebereitschaft {f}
3 Words: Nouns
willingness to achieve (sth.)Anstrengungsbereitschaft {f}
willingness to achieve (sth.)Leistungsbereitschaft {f}
willingness to buyKaufbereitschaft {f}
psych. willingness to changeVeränderungsbereitschaft {f}
psych. willingness to changeVeränderungswille {m}
willingness to compromiseKompromissbereitschaft {f}
willingness to cooperateKooperationsbereitschaft {f}
willingness to cooperateKooperationswillen {m}
willingness to helpHilfsbereitschaft {f}
willingness to integrateIntegrationsbereitschaft {f}
econ. fin. stocks willingness to investInvestitionsbereitschaft {f}
willingness to killTötungswille {m}
willingness to killBereitschaft {f} zu töten
willingness to learnLernbereitschaft {f}
willingness to listenBereitschaft {f} zuzuhören
willingness to negotiateVerhandlungsbereitschaft {f}
willingness to participateTeilnahmebereitschaft {f}
willingness to payZahlungswilligkeit {f}
willingness to pay <WTP>Zahlungsbereitschaft {f}
lit. willingness to readLesebereitschaft {f}
willingness to relocate [person]Umzugsbereitschaft {f}
willingness to returnRückkehrbereitschaft {f}
sports willingness to runLaufbereitschaft {f}
willingness to sacrificeOpferbereitschaft {f}
psych. willingness to sacrificeOpferwilligkeit {f}
econ. jobs willingness to strikeStreikbereitschaft {f}
willingness to sufferLeidensbereitschaft {f}
willingness to travelReisebereitschaft {f}
willingness to workArbeitsfreude {f} [Bereitwilligkeit zu arbeiten]
willingness to workArbeitswilligkeit {f}
4 Words: Nouns
willingness to assert oneselfSelbstbehauptungswille {m}
med. sociol. willingness to be vaccinatedImpfwilligkeit {f}
law willingness to defend oneselfVerteidigungswille {m}
willingness to donate moneySpendenbereitschaft {f}
willingness to make sacrificesOpferbereitschaft {f}
willingness to provide informationAuskunftsbereitschaft {f}
willingness to take chancesBereitschaft {f}, Risiken einzugehen
willingness to take chancesBereitschaft {f}, Risiken in Kauf zu nehmen
willingness to take responsibilityVerantwortungsbereitschaft {f}
jobs willingness to work overtimeBereitschaft {f} zu Überstunden
5+ Words: Others
He assured me of his willingness.Er beteuerte seine gute Absicht.
5+ Words: Verbs
to show a willingness to do sth.sich willens zeigen, etw. zu tun
5+ Words: Nouns
lack of willingness to compromisefehlende Kompromissbereitschaft {f}
readiness / willingness to take risksRisikobereitschaft {f}
willingness / eagerness to make sacrificesOpferfreudigkeit {f}
jobs willingness to perform shift workBereitschaft {f} zur Schichtarbeit
willingness to reach an agreementVerständigungsbereitschaft {f}
willingness to serve the tradeBereitschaft {f}, dem Markt zu dienen
» See 4 more translations for willingness within comments
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A 2015-03-09: decline in willingness
Q 2014-03-23: the genesis of willingness and the crack that lets the light in
Q 2013-10-22: Develop a willingness to bump scheduled tasks as opportunities or crises p...
A 2013-01-14: One manager = manager's willingness
Q 2013-01-14: Managers or Manager's willingness (to do something)
A 2011-07-02: willingness to share in risk and reward / value creation
A 2011-02-18: Willingness to address... issues???
A 2010-12-29: Your willingness to carry on all the same is nothing short of admirable, z...
A 2009-07-24: strong willingness to work
A 2008-09-16: ? +willingness+ and ability to pay out agreed credits
A 2008-05-05: willingness to differentiate
A 2008-02-28: yes, willingness to work/initiative
Q 2008-02-28: Einsatzwille - willingness to work?
A 2007-11-18: outstanding willingness, enthusiasm
Q 2007-10-01: Heidegger's willingness to avow himself
A 2007-05-31: willingness/readiness for educational mobility
A 2006-12-13: Let me convince you of my willingness
A 2006-10-06: willingness (?) and self-assertion
A 2003-11-18: willingness to travel a lot
A 2003-04-09: in the sense of: mutual willingness

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