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English-German translation for: win
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Dictionary English German: win

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NOUN   a win | wins
VERB  to win | won | won ... 
SYNO   to acquire | to gain | to win ... 
[you] win
[du] gewinnst
to win (sth.)
(etw.) gewinnen
to win
to win sth. [achieve]
etw. erringen
to win sth. [gain]
etw. erwerben [Titel, Ruf etc.]
to win sth. [achieve an end]
etw. erlangen
to win
obsiegen [veraltend]
to win sth. [fig.] [reach with effort]
etw. erreichen [Ziel, Ansehen etc.]
to win sb./sth. [recruit]
jdn./etw. werben [Kunden, Abonnenten, Stimmen]
to win sth. [archaic] [manage to reach (a place) by effort]etw. gewinnen [geh.] [ein (räumliches) Ziel mit Mühe erreichen]
to win sth. [in a struggle]sichDat. etw.Akk. erkämpfen
sports win
Sieg {m}
Gewinn {m} [Sieg; auch: Ertrag, Profit]
sports win
Erfolg {m} [Sieg]
2 Words: Others
no-win {adj}ausweglos
no-win {adj}chancenlos
sb./sth. would winjd./etw. gewänne
sb./sth. would winjd./etw. gewönne
2 Words: Verbs
sports to shade sb.'s winknapp vor jdm. gewinnen
to win backwiedergewinnen
to win backzurückerlangen
to win backzurückfinden
to win backzurückgewinnen
to win big [coll.]groß gewinnen [ugs.]
mining to win coalKohle abbauen
mining to win coalKohle gewinnen
to win easilyleicht gewinnen
to win fameberühmt werden
to win fameRuhm erlangen
to win ground(an) Boden gewinnen
to win handsomelyhoch gewinnen
to win hearts(sichDat.) die Herzen erobern
to win homenach Hause finden
to win homenach Hause gelangen
to win honor [Am.]Ehre einbringen
to win honour [Br.]Ehre einbringen
to win honour [Br.]zu Ehren kommen
to win inhineingelangen
to win influenceEinfluss gewinnen
to win laurels [idiom]sichDat. Lorbeeren holen [Redewendung]
idiom to win notorietytraurige Berühmtheit erlangen [ugs.]
mining to win oreErz gewinnen
to win outhinausfinden
to win outhinausgelangen
to win outsich (schließlich) durchsetzen [siegen]
to win outrighteindeutig gewinnen
to win outrighteinen klaren Sieg davontragen
to win peaceFrieden finden
to win praiseLob ernten
to win sb. overjdn. herumkriegen
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A 2021-11-10: dann: to win widespread acceptance, to catch on widely
Q 2019-12-01: A win for "ignorance and laziness"
A 2018-03-13: Danke, ich entscheide mich mal für "to win the ball"
Q 2016-05-23: win over/work up on trust
A 2016-04-07: to win off the field
Q 2016-04-07: to win off the competition
A 2015-11-19: http://www.oxforddictionaries.com/definition/english/win-the-day?q=win+the+day
A 2015-03-05: I read it to mean 'best of three', i.e. the first one to win two sets wins...
A 2015-01-28: http://www.dict.cc/?s=win+sb.+over
A 2015-01-28: Our line of products to serve your needs for table, over the counter and t...
A 2014-07-08: https://www.google.co.uk/#q=%22live+to+win+everything%22+%22%22+%22%22+
A 2014-07-08: They treat him as if he had lived to win everything
A 2014-04-12: gaming industry includes games that won't let you win money?
A 2014-02-27: Ein zweiter Ausdruck in der Win-Systemsteuerung: 'einfacher Klick'
A 2014-01-13: to secure, to win, to gain, to achieve, ...
A 2013-08-04: To win someone over - http://www.dict.cc/?s=win+over
A 2013-05-31: No, even odds. Risk 5 to gain 5. You "win" 10, but you paid 5 for the pleasure.
A 2013-05-31: It means "even odds." For example, give someone $5 for a possible $10 win,...
A 2013-05-05: The author is not going to win any points
Q 2013-04-28: How to win elections.

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