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English-German Dictionary

English-German translation for: wind the (car) window down
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wind the (car) window down in other languages:

Deutsch - Englisch

Dictionary English German: wind the car window down

Translation 1 - 50 of 48746  >>

Keywords contained
to wind the (car) window downdas Autofenster / Fenster runterkurbeln [ugs.]
Partial Matches
to wind the (car) window updas Autofenster / Fenster hochkurbeln
to wind down a windowein Fenster herunterkurbeln
sports to wind down the clock [football]das Spiel / Ergebnis über die Zeit bringen
to roll down the window [Am.] [coll.]das Seitenfenster herunterlassen [ugs.] [im Auto]
film F Whistle Down the Wind [Bryan Forbes] [1961]...woher der Wind weht
theatre F Whistle Down the Wind [musical] [1989, 1996]Whistle Down the Wind
Then the car had to go and break down as well.Da musste auch noch das Auto kaputtgehen. [ugs.]
automot. car windowAutofenster {n}
automot. car windowAutoscheibe {f}
automot. car windowWagenfenster {n}
to wind downherunterkurbeln
to wind down [coll.]entspannen
to wind down [reduce]reduzieren
to wind down [reduce]zurückschrauben
econ. wind-down costsAbwicklungskosten {pl}
econ. to wind down a companyein Unternehmen abwickeln
wind down [fig.] [calm down]Runterfahren {n} [ugs.] [fig.] [Herunterfahren] [zur Ruhe kommen]
automot. traffic My car broke down.Mein Auto ist liegengeblieben.
automot. TrVocab. My car has broken down.Ich habe eine Panne. [Autopanne]
to be knocked down by a carvon einem Auto erfasst werden
electr. discrete prolate spheroidal sequence window <DPSS window>DPSS-Fenster {n} [selten] [Slepian-Fenster]
at the window {adv}am Fenster
by the window {adv}am Fenster [nah] [stehen, sitzen etc.]
to close the windowdas Fenster schließen
to dress the windowdas Schaufenster dekorieren
to shut the windowdas Fenster zumachen [ugs.]
to tilt the windowdas Fenster auf Kipp stellen [ugs.]
to tilt the windowdas Fenster kippen
to tip the windowdas Fenster kippen
to trim the windowdas Schaufenster dekorieren
lit. F The Street WindowDas Gassenfenster [Franz Kafka]
against the wind {adv}gegen den Wind
naut. before the wind {adv}vor dem Wind
into the wind {adv}gegen den Wind
like the wind {adv}wie der Blitz
The wind beats.Der Wind peitscht.
The wind freshened.Der Wind frischte auf.
to break the windden Wind abhalten
film lit. F Chasing the WindChasing the Wind - Haschen nach Wind [Andreas Schmaranzer]
He opened the window.Er öffnete das Fenster.
with the window open {adv}bei geöffnetem Fenster
to appear at the windowsich am Fenster sehen lassen
to bring to the windowans Fenster bringen
to eavesdrop outside the windowdraußen am Fenster lauschen
to look through the windowdurchs Fenster schauen
to rush to the windowzum Fenster stürzen
comm. articles in the windowSchaufensterartikel {pl}
gastr. table by the windowTisch {m} am Fenster
window on the worldFenster {n} zur Welt
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