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English-German Dictionary

English-German translation for: wind through sth.
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Deutsch - Englisch

Dictionary English German: wind through sth

Translation 1 - 50 of 42373  >>

Keywords contained
to wind through sth. [e.g. crowd]sich durch etw. schlängeln
Partial Matches
tech. to wind sth.etw. winden
to claw one's way through sth. / out of sth.sichAkk. aus etw.Akk. herauswühlen
to claw one's way through sth. / out of sth.sichAkk. durch etw.Akk. hindurchwühlen
to draw sth. through sth. [e.g. cable, line]etw. durch etw.Akk. ziehen [z. B. Kabel, Gerade]
to see sb./sth. through sth. [e.g. a difficult time]jdn./etw. durchbringen [fig.] [begleiten]
toys watches to wind sth. upetw.Akk. aufziehen
to wind up sth.etw. heraufwinden
to wind sth. [cable, rope]etw. rollen [aufrollen, spulen]
sth. would wind itselfetw. wände sich
to wind itself round sth.sichAkk. um etw.Akk. winden
to wind sth. round sth.etw. um etw.Akk. wickeln
to catch wind of sth. [idiom]von etw.Dat. erfahren [das geheim bleiben sollte]
to get wind of sth. [idiom]etw.Akk. spitzkriegen [ugs.]
to get wind of sth. [idiom]von etw.Dat. erfahren
to get wind of sth. [idiom]von etw.Dat. Wind bekommen [Redewendung]
to get wind of sth. [idiom]von etw.Dat. Wind kriegen [ugs.] [Redewendung]
to wind up doing sth. [coll.]am Ende etw. tun [z. B. kochen, schlafen gehen]
sb./sth. bit through sth.jd./etw. zerbiss etw.Akk. [in zwei Teile]
to stick sth. through sth. [insert]etw.Akk. durch etw.Akk. durchstecken
to sift through sth. for sth.etw. nach etw.Dat. durchkämmen
to wind itself around / round sb./sth.sichAkk. um jdn./etw. schlingen
to wind up sth. [e.g. car window]etw.Akk. hochdrehen [hochkurbeln] [z. B. Autofenster]
to wind up doing sth. [to end up doing]schließlich etw. tun
to spoil sth. with wind turbines [landscape, region, etc.]etw. mit Windrädern verspargeln [pej.] [Landschaft, Gegend, etc.]
idiom to get the wind up (about sth.) [Br.] [coll.]Angst kriegen / haben (wegen etw.Gen.)
sth. burst throughetw. durchbrach
sth. shines throughetw. durchleuchtet
sth. shone throughetw. durchleuchtete
sth. went throughetw. fuhr durch
to bite through sth.etw.Akk. durchbeißen
to bore through sth.etw.Akk. durchbohren
to carry sth. throughetw. bewirken [durchsetzen, zu Ende führen]
to carry sth. throughetw. durchbringen [durchsetzen]
to carry sth. throughetw. durchsetzen
to chew through sth.etw.Akk. zerbeißen
to climb through sth.etw.Akk. durchsteigen [durchklettern]
Unverified to come through (sth.)(durch etw.) durchklingen [auch fig.]
gastr. to cook sth. throughetw.Akk. garkochen
gastr. to cook sth. throughetw. gar kochen
to creep through sth.durch etw.Akk. kriechen
to cross through sth.etw. durchqueren
to cut sth. throughetw.Akk. durchschneiden
constr. to dig through sth.durch etw.Akk. hindurchgraben
to drill through sth.etw.Akk. durchbohren
to flow through sth.etw.Akk. durchfließen
to flow through sth.etw.Akk. durchströmen
to follow sth. throughetw.Akk. zu Ende bringen
to follow sth. throughetw.Akk. zu Ende führen
to force sth. throughetw. durchboxen [ugs.]
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