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English-German translation for: wind turbine
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Dictionary English German: wind turbine

Translation 1 - 50 of 786  >>

NOUN   a wind turbine | wind turbines
SEE ALSO  windturbine
electr. ecol. wind turbineWindanlage {f}
ecol. electr. wind turbineWindgenerator {m}
ecol. electr. wind turbineWindkraftanlage {f}
ecol. electr. wind turbineWindkraftrad {n}
ecol. electr. wind turbineWindkraftwerk {n}
ecol. electr. wind turbineWindrad {n}
ecol. electr. wind turbineWindturbine {f}
Keywords contained
engin. small wind turbineKleinwindrad {n}
engin. wind turbine towerTurbinenturm {m}
engin. wind turbine towerWindkraftturm {m}
ecol. electr. engin. horizontal axis wind turbineWindturbine {f} mit horizontaler Achse
electr. vertical axis wind turbineVertikalachs-Windturbine {f}
ecol. electr. engin. vertical axis wind turbineWindturbine {f} mit vertikaler Achse
Partial Matches
tech. turbineTurbine {f}
turbine-driven {adj}turbinengetrieben
tech. turbine-powered {adj}mit Turbinenantrieb [nachgestellt]
turbine-powered {adj}turbinengetrieben
engin. tech. circulator turbineAntriebsturbine {f}
tech. combustion turbineVerbrennungsturbine {f}
tech. condensing turbineKondensationsturbine {f}
tech. exhaust turbineAbgasturbine {f}
tech. Francis turbineFrancisturbine {f}
aviat. tech. free turbinefreifahrende Turbine {f}
tech. gas turbineGasturbine {f}
tech. geared turbineGetriebeturbine {f}
tech. hydraulic turbineWasserturbine {f}
tech. hydro turbineWasserturbine {f}
tech. hydroelectric turbineWasserturbine {f}
tech. Kaplan turbineKaplanturbine {f} [eine Wasserturbine]
engin. phys. tech. measuring turbineMessturbine {f}
tech. microgas turbineMikrogasturbine {f}
tech. power turbineArbeitsturbine {f}
tech. tools radial turbineRadialturbine {f}
tech. steam turbineDampfturbine {f}
tech. Tesla turbineTesla-Turbine {f}
tech. turbine aeratorBelüftungsturbine {f}
tech. turbine aeratorTurbinenbelüfter {m}
tech. turbine bladeTurbinenblatt {n} [Turbinenschaufel]
turbine bladeTurbinenschaufel {f}
engin. turbine builderTurbinenbauer {m}
turbine buildingMaschinenhaus {n} [Kraftwerk]
dent. turbine burrTurbinenbohrer {m}
aviat. tech. turbine discTurbinenscheibe {f}
tech. turbine engineTurbinenmotor {m}
tech. turbine floorTurbinenboden {m}
turbine gateTurbinentor {n}
electr. turbine generatorTurbinengenerator {m}
turbine hallMaschinenhaus {n} [Kraftwerk]
ind. tech. turbine hallTurbinenhalle {f}
dent. turbine handpieceTurbinenhandstück {n}
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Q 2015-06-25: Giant wind turbines
A 2013-02-09: Photos of burning wind turbines.
A 2012-08-06: Wind turbines
A 2008-04-01: Windturbine = wind-driven turbine, wind turbine, aeroturbine (cf. Ernst; ...
A 2005-10-05: fixed and variable speed wind turbine
A 2005-10-05: variable speed wind turbine

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