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English-German translation for: wine
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Dictionary English German: wine

Translation 1 - 50 of 816  >>

English German
NOUN1   wine [liquid] | -
NOUN2   a wine [type/glass of wine] | wines
VERB  to wine | wined | wined ... 
SYNO   wine | wine-colored | wine-coloured ... 
oenol. wine {adj} [attr.]
oenol. wine
Wein {m}
oenol. wine
Rebensaft {m} [geh.]
2 Words: Others
containing wine {adj} [postpos.]weinhaltig
agr. wine-growing {adj}weinanbauend
oenol. wine-like {adj}weinähnlich
oenol. wine-making {adj}weinproduzierend
agr. wine-producing {adj}weinproduzierend
wine-red {adj}bordeauxrot
wine-red {adj}weinrot
2 Words: Verbs
oenol. to decant wineWein dekantieren
to dilute wineWein mit Wasser verdünnen
to drink wineWein trinken
agr. to grow wineWein anbauen
to lengthen wineWein verdünnen
gastr. oenol. to mull wineGlühwein zubereiten [mit Zucker und Gewürzen ansetzen und erhitzen]
gastr. to pour wineWein einschenken
oenol. to press wineWein keltern
oenol. to rack wineWein abstechen [in einen anderen Behälter umfüllen]
to shed wineWein vergießen
to take wineWein trinken
2 Words: Nouns
oenol. (grape) wineTraubenwein {m}
furn. (wine) binWeinregal {n}
oenol. (wine) bottomsWeingeläger {n}
oenol. (wine) bottomsWeintrub {m}
gastr. jobs (wine) butlerSchenk {m} [veraltet] [einschenkender Diener]
jobs (wine) butlerSchenke {m} [veraltet] [einschenkender Diener]
oenol. (wine) dregs {pl} [wine lees]Depot {n} [Rotwein]
oenol. (wine) lees {pl}Weingeläger {n}
oenol. (wine) lees {pl}Weintrub {m}
oenol. (wine) mustWeinmost {m}
oenol. (wine) sedimentWeingeläger {n}
oenol. (wine) sedimentWeintrub {m}
(wine) tankardWeinkrug {m}
Adam's wine [Br.] [dialect]Gänsewein {m} [ugs.] [hum.] [Wasser als Getränk]
oenol. adulterated winegefälschter Wein {m}
oenol. adulterated winegepanschter Wein {m}
oenol. adulterated wineverfälschter Wein {m}
oenol. aerated winePerlwein {m}
relig. altar wineAltarwein {m}
relig. altar wineMesswein {m}
oenol. angular wineeckiger Wein {m}
gastr. oenol. apple wineApfelwein {m}
gastr. apple wineAppelwein {m} [ugs.] [Apfelwein] [hessisch]
gastr. apple wineEbbelwoi {m} [hessisch] [ugs.] [Apfelwein]
oenol. archive wineArchivwein {m} [Osteuropa]
oenol. aromatic wineGewürzwein {m}
oenol. Ausbruch wine [Ausbruchwein, Ausbruch]Ausbruchwein {m} [bes. österr.]
oenol. austere winestrenger Wein {m}
oenol. barrelled wine [Br.]Wein {m} in Fässern
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Q 2024-05-09: half-gallon jug of wine
A 2024-05-04: alter Wein in neuen Schläuchen > old wine in new bottles
Q 2024-03-08: If I did one of those wine and paint nights ...
A 2023-07-15: probably: lunch = a grossly extended business lunch with plenty of wine e...
A 2022-08-28: oder: the milk has gone off , the wine has pricked
Q 2020-10-29: wine list = Getränkekarte ???
A 2020-05-04: A dropping / wet and windy May fills the barn with corn and hay. \ A wet M...
A 2019-04-25: Relating to wine: an œnophile < οἰνόφιλος [oinophilos]
A 2018-09-29: fruit gum, wine gums, gummibears
Q 2015-12-22: A waste of good wine.
Q 2015-09-16: wine me up and turn me on
A 2015-09-14: Weinstadel > wine warehouse https://www.google.co.uk/#q=%22wine+warehouse...
A 2015-05-08: Poetry? Not my cup of wine, either.
A 2015-01-24: rough (wine, cider, perry etc) - andere WB
Q 2015-01-24: rough (wine, cider, perry etc) - herb
Q 2014-12-29: diminutive of fire, wine
A 2014-12-03: Politely put: May I remind you of the wine?
A 2014-12-03: You won't forget the wine tomorrow, will you? Thank you! (höfliche Erinnerung)
A 2014-12-03: Do you still remember about the wine?
A 2014-12-03: Don't forget the wine, please!

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