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English-German translation for: wing veins
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Dictionary English German: wing veins

Translation 1 - 50 of 553  >>

NOUN   a wing vein | wing veins
entom. wing veinsFlügeladern {pl}
Partial Matches
orn. T
orn. T
orn. T
orn. T
orn. T
orn. T
veinsAdern {pl}
veinsNeigungen {pl}
veins {pl}Geäder {n}
anat. veins [Venae]Venen {pl}
biol. arm veinsArmvenen {pl}
anat. contractile veinsSperrvenen {pl}
bot. leaf veinsBlattnerven {pl}
life veinsLebensadern {pl}
anat. neck veinsHalsvenen {pl}
anat. VetMed. principal veinsHauptvenen {pl}
med. prominent veinshervorstehende Venen {pl}
cosmet. med. spider veinsBesenreiser {pl}
anat. superficial veinsoberflächliche Venen {pl}
anat. VetMed. thyroid veinsSchilddrüsenvenen {pl}
med. varicose veinsKrampfadern {pl}
med. varicose veinsVarikose {f}
anat. network of veinsVenennetz {n}
anat. network of veinsVenennetzwerk {n}
anat. system of veinsVenensystem {n}
med. truncal varicose veinsStammvarizen {pl}
anat. valves of veinsVenenklappen {pl}
anat. veins and arteriesVenen und Arterien {pl}
anat. brachial veins [Venae brachiales]Oberarmvenen {pl}
anat. cervical veins [Venae cervicales]Nackenvenen {pl}
anat. ethmoidal veins [Venae ethmoidales]Siebbeinvenen {pl}
anat. fibular veins [Venae fibulares]Wadenbeinvenen {pl}
anat. hepatic veins [Venae hepaticae]Lebervenen {pl}
anat. lumbar veins [Venae lumbales]Lendenvenen {pl}
anat. lumbar veins [Venae lumbales]Lumbalvenen {pl}
anat. pancreatic veins [Venae pancreaticae]Pankreasvenen {pl}
anat. pulmonary veins [Venae pulmonales]Lungenvenen {pl}
anat. pulmonary veins [Venae pulmonales]Pulmonalvenen {pl}
cosmet. med. thread veins [esp. Br.]Besenreiser {pl}
anat. tibial veins [Venae tibiales]Schienbeinvenen {pl}
med. pregnancy-related varicose veinsSchwangerschaftskrampfadern {pl}
med. sclerotherapy of varicose veinsVarikosklerisation {f} [Varizenverödung]
med. sclerotherapy of varicose veinsVarizenverödung {f}
anat. veins of the neckHalsvenen {pl}
anat. med. zool. T
geol. mining veins [of minerals or ores]Gänge {pl} [von Mineralien oder Erzen]
anat. umbilical veins <UVs> [Venae umbilicales]Nabelvenen {pl} <NV>
med. (small) varicose veins {pl} [spider veins]Besenreiservarikosis {f}
anat. biol. dorsal veins of the penisDorsalvenen {pl} des Penis
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