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English-German translation for: winged
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Dictionary English German: winged

Translation 1 - 50 of 741  >>

English German
ADJ   winged | - | -
VERB1  to winge | winged | winged ... 
VERB2  to wing | winged | winged ... 
hunting winged {adj} {past-p}
geflügelt [Vogel] [Jägersprache]
winged {adj}
winged {adj}
winged {past-p}
winged {adj}mit Flügeln [nachgestellt]
winged {adj} {past-p}mit Flügeln versehen
2 Words: Others
orn. black-winged {adj}schwarzflügelig
double-winged {adj}zweiflügelig
automot. gull-winged {adj}mit Flügeltüren [nachgestellt]
biol. orn. long-winged {adj}langflügelig
orn. narrow-winged {adj}schmalflügelig
orn. tech. one-winged {adj}einflügelig
biol. orn. short-winged {adj}kurzflügelig
archi. two-winged {adj} [door, gate]zweiflüglig [Tür, Tor]
biol. yellow-winged {adj}gelbflügelig
2 Words: Verbs
to be wingedeinen Streifschuß erhalten [alt]
to get wingedeinen Streifschuß erhalten [alt]
2 Words: Nouns
art relig. winged altarFlügelaltar {m}
art relig. winged altarpieceFlügelaltar {m}
art relig. winged altarsFlügelaltäre {pl}
archaeo. tools weapons winged axeLappenbeil {n}
gastr. oenol. tools winged corkscrewFlügelkorkenzieher {m}
hunting winged gameFlugwild {n}
hunting winged game [Br.]Federwild {n}
winged helicopterFlugschrauber {m}
myth. winged horsegeflügeltes Pferd {n}
hist. mil. winged hussars [Polish hussars]Flügelhusaren {pl} [Hussaria]
weapons winged lanceFlügellanze {f}
mil. weapons winged missileFlügelrakete {f}
winged monkeys [book, film] [The Wonderful Wizard of Oz]geflügelte Affen {pl} [Der Zauberer von Oz]
archi. art relig. winged retableFlügelretabel {n}
bot. winged seedFlügelsamen {m}
spec. winged wheelFlügelrad {n}
ling. winged wordgeflügeltes Wort {n}
3 Words: Nouns
aviat. parasol-winged monoplaneParasol-Hochdecker {m}
entom. pointed-winged wave [Scopula ancellata] [moth]Scopula ancellata {f} [Nachtfalter aus der Familie der Spanner]
myth. the Winged Horse(der) Pegasus {m}
cloth. wing / winged collarEckenkragen {m}
winged share cultivatorFlügelschargrubber {m}
4 Words: Nouns
med. winged (needle) infusion setVenenpunktionsbesteck {n}
med. winged (needle) infusion setVenenverweilkanüle {f}
Fiction (Literature and Film)
film F Q: The Winged Serpent [Larry Cohen]American Monster
art F the Winged Victory (of Samothrace)die Nike {f} von Samothrake
Taxa/Species (Animals, Plants, Fungi)
orn. T
orn. T
orn. T
orn. T
orn. T
zool. T
fish T
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A 2013-02-22: flügelstark > strong-winged (bitte in dict.cc eintragen)
Q 2012-03-20: parasol-winged monoplane
A 2010-09-01: Winged cats
A 2010-08-03: wide winged collar
A 2006-08-09: First quotation (alpha 122) from the Odyssey reads in English: and uttered...
A 2006-08-09: winged word
A 2006-02-21: Literally: orchestra on wings; cf. 'winged orchestra' < depends very much ...
A 2004-05-13: winged share cultivator or wing share cultivator

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