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English-German translation for: winning
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Dictionary English German: winning

Translation 1 - 50 of 95  >>

English German
ADJ   winning | more winning | most winning/winningest
VERB  to win | won | won
winning | wins
SYNO   victorious | winning | fetching ... 
winning {adj} {pres-p}
winning {adj}
bestechend [Geist, Kondition]
winning {adj} [charming]
winning {adj} {pres-p}
winning {adj}
Gewinnen {n}
Siegen {n}
mining winning
Abbau {m}
2 Words: Others
award-winning {adj}preisgekrönt
sports ball-winning {adj} [football]zweikampfstark
sports match-winning {adj}spielentscheidend
film Oscar-winning {adj}oscargekrönt
film Oscar-winning {adj}oscarprämiert
film Oscar-winning {adj}Oscar-prämiert
film Oscar-winning {adj}Oscar-prämiiert
prize-winning {adj}preisgekrönt
sports title-winning {adj} [e.g. team, coach]Meister- [z. B. Mannschaft, Trainer]
winning over {pres-p}herumkriegend
2 Words: Verbs
to be winningSieger sein
2 Words: Nouns
mining coal winningKohlegewinnung {f}
winning bidGebot {n}, das den Zuschlag erhält
art constr. market. winning designGewinnerdesign {n}
admin. art constr. winning designSiegerentwurf {m}
sports winning goalSiegestor {n} [entscheidender Treffer]
sports winning goalSiegestreffer {m} [Fußball]
sports winning goalSiegtor {n} [entscheidender Treffer]
sports winning goalSiegtreffer {m}
winning mannereinnehmende Art {f}
winning mannereinnehmendes Wesen {n}
winning mannersgewinnende Manieren {pl}
sports winning mentalitySiegermentalität {f}
mining winning methodAbbauverfahren {n}
winning numberGewinnnummer {f}
winning numberGewinnzahl {f}
winning numbersGewinnzahlen {pl}
games winning position [chess]Gewinnstellung {f} [Schach]
winning postZielpfosten {m}
winning runSiegeslauf {m}
sports winning runSiegesserie {f}
sports winning shotSiegestreffer {m} [Basketball]
winning smilegewinnendes Lächeln {n}
winning strategyErfolgsstrategie {f}
games winning strategyGewinnstrategie {f}
winning strategyerfolgreiche Strategie {f}
sports winning streakErfolgsserie {f}
sports winning streakGewinnserie {f}
winning streakGlückssträhne {f}
sports winning streakSiegesserie {f}
sports winning streakSiegessträhne {f}
sports winning streakSiegsträhne {f}
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Q 2022-08-09: types of "Aberglauben" about winning lotteries
Q 2022-03-07: Who's winning? > THE NEW YORKER
Q 2020-02-10: winning one’s wishes
A 2015-05-21: winning in the beginning by winning the beginning?
Q 2015-05-21: They say winning’s in the beginning...
A 2014-10-16: Just for information: "Winning people over" works fine for AE as well.
A 2014-10-15: All replies qualify for a chance of winning one of three prizes / giveaways
Q 2013-08-04: winning over
A 2012-11-19: Second Schandor's suggestion: Haubenkoch > award-winning [Austrian] chef.
A 2012-09-04: Agree with Catesse."Gewinnhände" is often used in explanations of winning ...
Q 2012-09-04: winning hands (beim Kartenspiel)
A 2012-02-26: Wem war denn da schon wieder fad (langweilig)? Never change a winning team...
Q 2011-05-09: platinum winning, chart topping
A 2011-02-22: award-winning
A 2011-02-22: prämiiert = award-winning, prize-winning, heir villeicht sogar contract-winning
Q 2010-08-22: Winning Winning Winning
A 2010-08-18: In horse racing, "to handicap" (verb) is to evaluate the horses' chances o...
A 2010-07-27: Because that is the exact moment that the 'winning' takes place.
A 2010-06-20: We can hardly expect England to go three games without winning
A 2010-01-18: award-winning ...

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