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Dictionary English German: wise

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ADJ   wise | wiser | wisest
NOUN   a wise | wises
VERB  to wise | wised | wised ... 
SYNO   Stephen Samuel Wise | Wise ... 
wise {adj}
wise {adj} [sensible]
vernünftig [klug]
wise {adj}
wise {adj} [prudent, reasonable]
klug [vernünftig]
-wise {suffix} [coll.] [as regards]
-mäßig [ugs.]
wise {adj} [sensible or prudent]
einsichtig [vernünftig]
wise {adj}
-wise [coll.] [as regards]in puncto
wise {adj}weisheitsvoll [geh.]
wise {adj}erfahren in geheimen Künsten
wise [archaic] [manner or extent of something]Art und Weise
2 Words: Others
all-wise {adj}allweise
all-wise {adj}allwissend
ind. batch-wise {adj}chargenweise
mil. battle wise {adj}kampferfahren
mil. battle-wise {adj}kampferfahren
electr. circuitry-wise {adj}schaltungstechnisch
clock-wise {adj} {adv}im Uhrzeigersinn
cloth. clothes-wise {adj}kleidungsmäßig
column-wise {adv}spaltenweise
con-wise {adj} [Am.] [sl.]knasterfahren [ugs.]
content-wise {adj}inhaltsbezogen
acc. fin. cost-wise {adj}kostenseitig
math. element-wise {adj}elementweise
relig. faith-wise {adj}glaubensmäßig
mil. guerilla-wise {adj} [rare] [cf. guerilla-style]guerillaartig [selten auch: Guerilla-artig] [vgl. guerillamäßig]
mentality-wise {adv} [coll.]mentalitätsmäßig
money wise {adj}sparsam im Umgang mit Geld
penny-wise {adj}sparsam [im Umgang mit kleineren Geldbeträgen]
percentage-wise {adv}in Prozenten
personnel-wise {adv}personell
population-wise {adv}im Hinblick auf die Bevölkerung
row-wise {adv}zeilenweise
space-wise {adj}räumlich
time-wise {adv}zeitlich
vote-wise {adj} {adv}wahlbezogen
meteo. weather-wise {adj}wettermäßig
worldly-wise {adj}abgeklärt [lebenserfahren]
worldly-wise {adj}lebensklug [weltklug]
worldly-wise {adj}welterfahren
worldly-wise {adj}weltklug
worldly-wise {adj}weltmännisch
2 Words: Verbs
to get wise [coll.]dahinterkommen [ugs.] [spitzkriegen]
to get wise [coll.]plötzlich kapieren [ugs.]
to put sb. wise [coll.] [idiom]jdm. ein Licht aufstecken [ugs.] [Redewendung]
to wise sb. up [coll.]jdn. aufklären [informieren]
to wise upklug werden
2 Words: Nouns
educ. fall semester [Am.]Wintersemester {n} <WS, WiSe>
educ. winter semesterWintersemester {n} <WS, WiSe>
educ. winter sessionWintersemester {n} <WS, WiSe>
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Q 2021-06-28: Usage of the word way-wise/way-wiser
A 2021-02-16: The Queen is too wise to embarrass somebody.
Q 2019-06-24: street wise
A 2018-11-28: Wise men think alike BUT Fools seldom differ
A 2017-09-14: Regrettably, people who cannot distinguish between nominative and accusati...
A 2017-05-16: wise enough
A 2017-05-16: wise enough
Q 2017-05-16: never wise enough to (AE)
A 2016-03-11: Thank you polarjud for your wise and clearly formulated proposal
A 2015-06-29: wise man
A 2015-05-28: Does +Early to bed and early to rise+ make this querist wise? Or was this ...
Q 2015-02-20: wise men of yore
A 2014-12-11: adaptable time-wise, time-wise accomodating (e.g. a worker)
A 2014-06-06: A wise solution to an old problem,
A 2014-05-31: Where did you get "nuclear-wise" from?
Q 2014-05-30: Übersetzung nuclear-wise , nuclear-might und Unterschied
A 2013-05-04: In other words - otherwise ~ in another wise
A 2013-04-11: A wise solution, Paul, that belongs in the GL!
A 2013-03-21: Chat only on -wise.
A 2013-01-07: Hmm. The Bible (Matthew) in the original mentions the revered Kings of the...

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