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English-German translation for: withdraw
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Dictionary English German: withdraw

Translation 1 - 50 of 84  >>

English German
VERB  to withdraw | withdrew | withdrawn ... 
SYNO   to retire | to withdraw | to disengage ... 
to withdraw sth. [e.g. offer]
etw.Akk. zurückziehen [z. B. Angebot]
fin. to withdraw [cash]
abheben [Geld]
mil. to withdraw
to withdraw sth.
etw. streichen [zurücknehmen, annullieren]
to withdraw
to withdraw
to withdraw
to withdraw
to withdraw
to withdraw
herausholen [zurückziehen]
to withdraw
sports to withdraw
aufstecken [ugs.] [aufgeben]
rail to withdraw [from traffic]
to withdraw
zurücktreten [sich zurückziehen, ausscheiden]
tech. to withdraw sth. [from storage]
etw.Akk. ausspeichern
to withdraw [to retire, retreat or remove oneself]sichAkk. zurückziehen
2 Words: Verbs
to withdraw (from sth.)(aus etw.Dat.) ausscheiden
to withdraw (from sth.) [organisation etc.](aus etw.Dat.) austreten
fin. to withdraw cash [e.g. from an ATM]Geld ziehen [ugs.]
to withdraw confidenceVertrauen entziehen
to withdraw fromausscheiden aus
to withdraw from sth.von etw.Dat. zurücktreten [sich zurückziehen, ausscheiden]
to withdraw from sth.sichAkk. von etw.Dat. zurückziehen
fin. to withdraw fundsMittel zurückziehen
fin. to withdraw moneyGeld abheben
to withdraw moneyGeld beheben [österr.] [geh.]
to withdraw oneselfsich fortschieben [veraltet] [sich zurückziehen]
fin. to withdraw savingsErsparnisse abheben
to withdraw supportUnterstützung zurücknehmen
mil. to withdraw troopsTruppen zurückziehen
3 Words: Verbs
to withdraw a bidein Angebot zurückziehen
law to withdraw a confessionein Geständnis widerrufen
to withdraw a crediteinen Kredit zurückziehen
law to withdraw a lawsuiteine Klage zurückziehen [Zivilrecht]
to withdraw a loanein Darlehen zurückziehen
to withdraw a promiseein Versprechen widerrufen
to withdraw a promiseein Versprechen zurücknehmen
hist. to withdraw after dinner [to the drawing room]sich nach dem Essen zurückziehen [in den Salon]
to withdraw an allegationeine Beschuldigung zurückziehen
to withdraw an applicationeinen Antrag zurückziehen
to withdraw an authorityeine Vollmacht zurückziehen
to withdraw an expressioneinen Ausdruck zurücknehmen
fin. to withdraw an investmenteine Investition rückgängig machen
to withdraw an offerein Angebot zurücknehmen
to withdraw an offerein Angebot zurückziehen
to withdraw an oppositioneinen Widerspruch zurücknehmen
to withdraw an ordereinen Auftrag zurückziehen
to withdraw credit facilitiesden Kredit entziehen
mil. to withdraw from actionein Gefecht abbrechen
to withdraw from circulationaus dem Verkehr ziehen
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A 2016-03-15: spaces to withdraw to
Q 2014-10-25: withdraw, remove, take?
Q 2014-08-06: withdraw
A 2012-08-01: oder für "withdraw" - sie schütteln alles ab
Q 2012-08-01: withdraw versus pull away
A 2011-10-15: Rather than withdraw, what would be of help here would be an increase in f...
A 2011-01-11: @ufriend: There was no reason to withdraw your comment... :-(
A 2010-08-23: beim Konto: right to withdraw
Q 2010-03-19: withdraw = toss out ?
A 2009-08-25: In the American history context, 'isolation' and 'isolationism' is the ter...
A 2009-04-28: That's just part of it. It's not good for people to have no purpose, fun...
A 2009-03-23: Whence I withdraw my "current" and second Kornelius's "since".
A 2009-01-06: Truppen zurückziehen = withdraw the troops
A 2008-04-17: We reserve the right to withdraw from this ...
A 2008-01-21: forced (by circumstances) ... prognosis / projection .... to withdraw / to...
A 2007-02-11: withdraw from university
A 2006-11-14: rapidly withdraw, hasten away
A 2006-10-18: Nein. to claim > beanspruchen, to withdraw > zurückziehen
Q 2006-10-18: kann man anstatt claim withdraw schreiben?
A 2006-09-23: withdraw from? cancel?

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