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English-German translation for: withstand
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Dictionary English German: withstand

Translation 1 - 26 of 26

English German
VERB  to withstand | withstood | withstood ... 
SYNO   to hold out | to resist ... 
to withstand
to withstand
to withstand
to withstand
2 Words
to withstand competitionder Konkurrenz standhalten
tech. to withstand forces [mechanical forces]Kräfte aufnehmen
3 Words
to withstand a temptationeiner Versuchung widerstehen
to withstand the attackdem Angriff Widerstand leisten
to withstand the stormdem Sturm standhalten
to withstand the strainder Beanspruchung standhalten
electr. continuous withstand valueDauerbelastbarkeitswert {m}
electr. rated withstand voltageNennstehspannung {f}
4 Words
able to withstand boiling {adj}kochstabil
able to withstand stress {adj}belastbar
constr. built to withstand avalanches {adj} [postpos.]lawinensicher gebaut
ability to withstand stressBelastbarkeit {f}
ability to withstand stressBelastungsfähigkeit {f}
material tech. capacity to withstand stressesBeanspruchbarkeit {f}
electr. rated peak withstand current <Ip>Bemessungs-Stoßstrom {m} <Ip>
5+ Words
gastr. to be able to withstand deep-fryingfrittierstabil sein
to withstand the test of timevor der Zeit bestehen
rated lightning impulse withstand voltageNennstehblitzspannung {f}
rated lightning impulse withstand voltageBemessungs-Steh-Blitzstoßspannung {f}
rated short-duration power frequency withstand voltageNennstehwechselspannung {f}
electr. rated short-duration power frequency withstand voltageBemessungs-Steh-Wechselspannung {f}
electr. rated short-time withstand current <Ik>Bemessungs-Kurzzeitstrom {m} <Ik>
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Q 2016-06-30: hold up or withstand
A 2016-04-27: Vor der Zeit bestehen = to stand / withstand the test of time
A 2013-04-20: Trutz (noun) ~ jdm trotzen (verb) > to brave / defy / withstand
Q 2011-10-08: ability to withstand 1000 tumbles at 1m
A 2008-10-21: to withstand comparison?
A 2008-05-12: ? Receipts have to withstand lots of wear - +whatever that and the German ...
A 2008-03-22: maybe: must withstand the pressure without (additional/external) reinforcement
A 2008-01-20: withstand = widerstehen, on the part of = seitens
A 2008-01-20: ... must be able to withstand the wear and tear ...
A 2008-01-18: as lying time increases, the parquet is no longer suitable to withstand ...
A 2007-09-04: http://www.google.de/search?hl=de&ie=ISO-8859-1&q=+%22can+withstand+a+curr...
A 2007-03-23: which can withstand even intense/considerable wear and tear
A 2007-03-15: made and finished to withstand hard everyday use
Q 2004-08-05: to withstand the rigors of saltwater environment

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