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English-German translation for: witty
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Dictionary English German: witty

Translation 1 - 21 of 21

English German
ADJ   witty | wittier | wittiest
witty {adj}
witty {adj}
witty {adj}
witty {adj}
2 Words
brilliantly witty {adj}besonders geistreich
brilliantly witty {adj} [joke, satire]geistvoll
brilliantly witty {adj} [e.g. person, style]geistsprühend
scintillatingly witty {adj}geistsprühend
to be wittyhumorvoll sein
to be wittylaunig sein [launig gestimmt sein]
witty anecdoteswitzige Anekdoten {pl}
witty asideEinschiebsel {n} [ugs.] [eine witzige Einlage]
witty asidewitzige Einlage {f}
mus. sports theatre witty playfulnessSpielwitz {m}
witty remarklaunige Bemerkung {f}
witty speechlaunig formulierte Rede {f}
3 Words
to say witty thingsspaßige Dinge sagen
4 Words
to try to be wittygeistreicheln [pej.]
5+ Words
to be in a witty moodlaunig gestimmt sein
clever or witty expression / remarkBonmot {n}
Fiction (Literature and Film)
comics F Dim Witty [Disney]Doofy
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A 2017-08-16: This is one of these witty MichaelK comments :)
A 2015-11-11: quick and witty .....
Q 2012-08-08: Something more witty and juicy?
A 2010-02-15: trifft "witty" besser?
Q 2009-10-26: "Ru(e)hr mich an" = sth. more witty and funny than"Get me touched"? Thanks
Q 2009-05-05: a clever or witty take on something
A 2009-04-20: http://www.dict.cc/?s=witty ?? maybe ...
A 2008-11-26: I had no idea Rau was that witty...
A 2008-04-17: Always quick with a quip. Quip - a clever, witty response.
A 2008-04-15: ...is this what advertising business calls "witty"?
A 2008-03-17: I think it's not a very witty catchphrase, if you ask me.
A 2007-07-08: witty to the end!!!!
A 2007-04-25: @Kornelius - see thread above for my not very witty retort .... :-)
A 2006-11-23: think so, but maybe 'witty' (more than funny, implies intelligence)
A 2004-09-06: Not an answer but a witty saying:
A 2004-02-08: witty but not me

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