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English-German translation for: wonders
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Dictionary English German: wonders

Translation 1 - 17 of 17

English German
NOUN1   a wonder | wonders
NOUN2   a Wonder | Wonders
VERB  to wonder | wondered | wondered
wondering | wonders
Wunder {pl}
2 Words
idiom to do wondersWunder bewirken
to do wondersWunder vollbringen
to work wonders [coll.] [idiom]Wunder wirken
3 Words
He worked wonders.Er vollbrachte Wunder.
Sb. wonders whether ...Es nimmt jdn. wunder, ob ... [schweiz.] [Es interessiert jdn., ob ...]
idiom Wonders never cease!Wunder gibt es immer wieder!
signs and wondersZeichen und Wunder
temple of wonders [building, room full of wondrous things]Wundertempel {m} ['Tempel' / Raum voller wundersamer Dinge]
world of wondersWunderwelt {f} [der Mineralien, der Tiefsee etc.]
4 Words
Will wonders never cease! [idiom]Man höre und staune! [Redewendung]
Will wonders never cease? [idiom]Die Ochsen kälbern! [regional] [ugs.] [Redewendung] [Ausspruch des Erstaunens, wenn etwas sehr Unwahrscheinliches geschieht]
Wonders (will) never cease! [idiom]Es geschehen noch Zeichen und Wunder! [hum.] [Redewendung]
5+ Words
archaeo. hist. list of wonders of the worldWeltwunderliste {f}
hist. the Seven Wonders of the (Ancient) Worlddie (antiken) sieben Weltwunder {pl}
Fiction (Literature and Film)
lit. F The Ditmars Tale of Wonders [Grimm Brothers]Das Diethmarsische Lügenmärchen [Brüder Grimm]
lit. F World of Wonders [Robertson Davies]Welt der Wunder
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Q 2018-12-17: https://www.facebook.com/World.of.Wonders.Art/photos/a.525123564178770/222...
A 2016-09-14: One wonders, Catesse, how much money the poor druges having to scan the to...
Q 2016-05-08: The wonders of internet
A 2015-10-30: Ah, a little local knowledge does wonders :-)
Q 2015-09-30: Wonders never cease;-) You need to be able to speak/understand English to ...
A 2013-08-03: Wonders
Q 2012-06-14: Wonders will never cease.
A 2012-02-04: One wonders that no one noticed from the previous three editions.
A 2011-04-02: Your question wonders whether grammar should restrict language to logical ...
A 2011-03-06: full of marvels / wonders
A 2009-08-12: Ms-I-Wonders Deutung kommt wohl hin: http://www.cnrtl.fr/definition/matte
A 2009-07-15: wonders / miracles of technology
A 2009-02-27: Thanks, Joanne, but he doesn't say that "he wonders", he says "it's a wond...
A 2008-09-25: This song is about a woman and a man who live a large / long distance apar...
A 2008-01-23: +segment+ Ohne Originalsatz lässt da wenig machen - the reader wonders wha...
A 2007-11-02: ? show wonder / show miracle - people longing for wonders ?
Q 2007-10-05: a land of contrasting wonders
A 2006-07-29: @ esmeralda, you'd never know, maybe after a beer you could work some magi...
A 2006-07-12: I'd say, work wonders FOR...
A 2006-07-12: Should it better read the products XXX and YYY work wonders on IKEA´s sale...

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