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English-German translation for: woody
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Dictionary English German: woody

Translation 1 - 50 of 50

English German
ADJ   woody | woodier | woodiest
NOUN   a woody | woodies
SYNO   arboraceous | arboreous | woodsy ... 
woody {adj}
woody {adj}
woody {adj}
material woody {adj}holzhaltig
woody {adj}verholzend
woody {adj}verholzt
woody {adj}waldig
woody [Am.] [vulg.] [erect penis]
Latte {f} [ugs.] [erigierter Penis]
2 Words: Nouns
for. woody coverBewaldung {f} [das Bewaldetsein]
woody mountains {pl}Waldgebirge {n}
bot. woody plantHolzgewächs {n}
bot. woody plantHolzpflanze {f}
bot. woody plantsGehölze {pl} [Holzgewächse]
bot. woody plantsHolzgewächse {pl}
bot. woody plantsholzige Pflanzen {pl}
3 Words: Nouns
hort. broadleaved woody plantLaubgehölz {n}
for. coarse woody debris <CWD>Biotopholz {n} [Totholz]
for. coarse woody debris <CWD>Moderholz {n}
ecol. for. coarse woody debris <CWD>Totholz {n}
ecol. for. coarse woody habitat <CWH>Habitatbaum {m} [Totholz]
ecol. for. geogr. woody (plant) encroachmentVerblackung {f} [Verbuschung, Verwaldung]
ecol. for. geogr. woody (plant) encroachmentVergandung {f} [schweiz. und fachspr. für die Verbuschung im Alpenraum]
ecol. for. geogr. woody plant proliferationVerwaldung {f}
4 Words: Nouns
bot. ecol. woody pioneer plant (species)Pioniergehölz {n} [erstbesiedelnde Baum- oder Buschspezies]
Taxa/Species (Animals, Plants, Fungi)
bot. T
bot. T
zool. T
zool. T
bot. T
bot. T
bot. T
bot. T
bot. T
bot. T
bot. T
bot. T
Saurebe {f}
bot. T
bot. T
bot. T
bot. T
bot. T
bot. T
bot. T
bot. T
bot. T
bot. T
bot. T
bot. T
bot. T
bot. T
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A 2017-01-20: Ich musste spontan an Woody Allen denken
A 2015-08-13: woody debris
A 2012-10-25: It's also a line in the 1957 Woody Guthrie talking blues song "Woody's Rag...
A 2011-04-06: has a pleasant, tangy, woody, and leather smell
A 2011-04-06: manly and woody... hmm... that could lead to some misunderstandings...
A 2011-04-06: perfume with a woody note
A 2010-08-30: my guesses: Woody Allen , W.C.Fields, Groucho Marx
A 2010-02-07: As Woody Allen says: The question is not if there's life after death, but ...
A 2010-02-02: LINX - there are other meanings and connotations as well (just think of +W...
A 2010-02-02: ... "woody" ist ein Wort für den erigierten Penis
Q 2010-02-02: woody bedeutet hier ?????
A 2009-10-23: there's a Rolling Stones bootleg out where Woody and Keith pretend to be a...
A 2009-05-08: Man müsste bei Woody Allen anfragen können :-))
A 2009-02-02: Woodrow Tracy "Woody“ Harrelson - says Wikipedia
A 2008-10-28: Gehölze > woody plants
A 2008-10-27: is 'finely honed' a woody concept?
A 2008-10-23: @Kornelius - Woody Allen would be proud of you. :D
A 2008-02-08: At least I see why "INTERCOURSE" sounds woody...
A 2007-03-16: woody
A 2007-03-16: woody, tough, stringy (faserig)

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