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English-German translation for: word of terror
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Dictionary English German: word of terror

Translation 1 - 50 of 65067  >>

word of terrorSchreckenswort {n}
Partial Matches
act of terrorTerrorakt {m}
pol. balance of terrorGleichgewicht {n} des Schreckens
night of terrorSchreckensnacht {f}
reign of terrorHerrschaft {f} des Terrors
pol. reign of terrorSchreckensherrschaft {f}
hist. pol. reign of terrorSchreckensregime {n}
reign of terrorTerrorherrschaft {f}
scream of terrorEntsetzensschrei {m}
wave of terrorTerrorwelle {f}
art F Topography of TerrorTopographie {f} des Terrors
cry of terror / anguishAngstschrei {m}
hist. Nazi reign of terrorNS-Terrorherrschaft {f}
terror of the slopesPistenrowdy {m} [ugs.] [rücksichtsloser Skifahrer]
terror of the slopesSkirowdy {m}
film F Crucible of Terror [Ted Hooker]Der Leichengießer
lit. F An Act of Terror [André Brink]Zeit des Terrors
film F Tower of Terror [D.J. MacHale]Im Jenseits sind noch Zimmer frei
film F Monster of Terror [Daniel Haller, UK title]Das Grauen auf Schloss Whitley
film F The Terror of the Tongs [Anthony Bushell]Terror der Tongs
film F Dr. Terror's House of Horrors [Freddie Francis]Die Todeskarten des Dr. Schreck
film F Snow White: A Tale of Terror [Jack Clayton]Schneewittchen
film F Children of the Corn V: Fields of Terror [Ethan Wiley]Kinder des Zorns 5 – Feld des Terrors
word-for-word {adj} [attr.] [verbatim]wortgenau [Wiedergabe, Übersetzung]
five dollar word <$5 word>[hochgestochenes / geschraubtes Wort, d. h. allzu anspruchsvoll und schwer verständlich]
politically incorrect word <PI word>politisch inkorrektes Wort {n} <PI-Wort>
(word of) warningMahnwort {n}
end of wordWortende {n}
word of abuseWort {n} der Beleidigung
word of adviceRatschlag {m}
law word of artFachausdruck {m}
law word of artFachbegriff {m}
word of authorityMachtwort {n}
relig. word of blessingSegenswort {n}
word of cautionWort {n} der Warnung
word of comfortTrost {m}
word of comforttröstendes Wort {n}
word of comfortTrostwort {n}
word of commandBefehlswort {n}
word of commandMachtwort {n}
word of consentJawort {n}
word of consolationTrost {m}
word of encouragementetw. Aufmunterndes {n}
relig. Word of GodWort {n} Gottes
word of goodbyeAbschiedswort {n}
word of instructionWort {n} der Unterweisung
word of mouthMundpropaganda {f}
word of pityWort {n} des Mitleids
word of praiseLobeswort {n}
relig. word of salvationHeilswort {n}
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