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English-German translation for: word of the year
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Dictionary English German: word of the year

Translation 1 - 50 of 95328  >>

ling. word of the yearWort {n} des Jahres
Keywords contained
non-word of the yearUnwort {n} des Jahres
ling. ugliest word of the yearUnwort {n} des Jahres
un-word of the yearUnwort {n} des Jahres
Partial Matches
ling. beginning of the wordWortanfang {m}
ending of the wordWortende {n} [Endung des Wortes]
ling. history of the wordWortgeschichte {f}
relig. liturgy of the WordWortgottesdienst {m}
ling. middle of the wordWortmitte {f} [Mitte des Wortes]
origin of the wordWortherkunft {f} [Herkunft des Wortes]
ling. use of the wordGebrauch {m} des Wortes
word of the dayWort {n} des Tages
relig. service of the Word [ministry]Dienst {m} am Wort
relig. to announce the Word of Goddas Wort Gottes verkünden [geh.]
relig. to preach the Word of Goddas Wort Gottes verkündigen [geh.]
code word of the dayTagesparole {f}
the connotations of this worddie mit diesem Wort verbundenen Assoziationen {pl}
in the middle of a word {adv}mitten in einem Wort
to change the position of a worddie Wortstellung ändern
to define the meaning of a worddie Bedeutung eines Wortes definieren
to guess the meaning of a worddie Bedeutung eines Wortes erraten
relig. theology of the word (of God)Worttheologie {f}
acc. sum-of-the-year's digit method of depreciationarithmetisch-degressive Abschreibung {f}
idiom in the literal sense (of the word) {adv}im wörtlichen Sinne
in the narrow sense of the word {adv}im engeren Sinne des Wortes
in the narrower sense of the word {adv}im engeren Wortsinn
idiom in the proper meaning of the word {adv}im eigentlichen Sinne
in the proper meaning of the wordstreng genommen
in the proper meaning of the word {adv}strenggenommen
in the strict sense of the word {adv}im strengen Sinne des Wortes
in the strict sense of the word {adv}im strengen Wortsinn / Wortsinne
in the strict sense of the word {adv}im wörtlichen Sinne
in the true sense of the word {adv}im wahrsten Sinne des Wortes
in the truest sense of the word {adv}im wahrsten Sinne des Wortes
in the widest sense of the word {adv}im weitesten Sinne des Wortes
lit. F Word Processor of the Gods [Stephen King]Der Textcomputer der Götter
most of the yeardie meiste Zeit des Jahres
bachelor of the yearJunggeselle {m} des Jahres
beginning of the yearJahresanfang {m} [Beginn des Jahres]
beginning of the yearJahresauftakt {m}
beginning of the yearJahresbeginn {m} [Beginn des Jahres]
mus. composer of the yearJahresregent {m} [in Österreich: Komponist, der besonders gefeiert wird]
course of the yearJahresfortgang {m}
course of the yearJahresverlauf {m}
cycle of the yearJahreslauf {m}
cycle of the yearJahreszyklus {m}
end of the yearEnde {n} des Jahres
end of the yearJahresende {n}
end of the yearJahresschluss {m}
game of the yearSpiel {n} des Jahres
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A 2025-01-13: Non-word of the Year --- so stand es u.a. damals in der Times
Q 2016-11-16: Word of the Year 2016? post-truth > postfaktisch
A 2013-08-28: It was the word of the year - last year !! .... and amongst kerfuffle I ...
A 2005-02-01: Ugliest Word of the Year

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