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English-German translation for: word-for-word
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Dictionary English German: word for word

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SYNO   verbatim | word for word
word for word {adv}wortgetreu
word for word {adv}wortwörtlich
word for word {adv}Wort für Wort
to quote word for wordwortgetreu wiedergeben
word for word {adv}wörtlich [genau so, originalgetreu]
to copy word for wordWort für Wort abschreiben
Partial Matches
ling. in-word [also: in word]Modewort {n}
word lover [also: word-lover]Wortliebhaber {m}
four-letter word [swear word]Vulgärausdruck {m}
comp. word processing program [word processor]Schreibprogramm {n}
translation word by wordÜbersetzung {f} Wort für Wort
to translate sth. word by wordetw.Akk. Wort für Wort übersetzen
word-for-word {adj} [attr.] [verbatim]wortgenau [Wiedergabe, Übersetzung]
word-for-word quotationwörtliches Zitat {n}
word-for-word accuracyBuchstabentreue {f}
word-for-word fidelityBuchstabentreue {f}
ling. by ... word usage {adv} [e.g. by common word usage]im ... Sprachgebrauch [z. B. im gewöhnlichen Sprachgebrauch]
law market. design and word mark [rare for: word and design mark]Bildwortmarke {f} [seltener für: Wortbildmarke / Wort-Bild-Marke]
word-for-word {adj}wortgetreu
word-for-word {adj}wortgleich
word-for-word {adj}wörtlich
word-for-word {adj}wortwörtlich
law market. design and word mark [rare for: word and design mark]Bild-Wort-Marke {f} [seltener für: Wort-Bild-Marke / Wortbildmarke]
R-word [euphemism for the use of the word retard][verschleiernde Bezeichnung für das Schimpfwort »retard«]
ghost word [word that has come into existence by error]Ghost-Wort {n} [Wort, das falsch in Gebrauch kam]
comp. special commands [e.g. Microsoft Word]Sonderbefehle {pl} [z. B. Microsoft Word]
N-word [euphemism for the use of the word nigger] [Am.]N-Wort {n} [bezieht sich auf das Wort "Nigger" oder "Neger", eine verächtliche Bezeichnung für einen dunkelhäutigen Menschen]
Take my word for it!Verlass dich drauf!
to put in a good word forsprechen für [vermittelnd]
to take sb.'s word for itjdm. aufs Wort glauben
idiom for want of a better word {adv}mangels eines besseren Wortes
lit. F A Word for After Dying [Ann Granger]Ihr Wille geschehe
to put in a word for sb.für jdn. ein Wort einlegen
TrVocab. I have forgotten the word for ...Ich habe das Wort für ... vergessen.
You can take my word for it.Du kannst es mir glauben.
to say a good word for sb.für jdn. ein gutes Wort einlegen
to put in a good word for sb. [idiom]sichAkk. für jdn. verwenden
for want of a better word {adv} [idiom]in Ermangelung eines besseren Wortes [geh.] [Redewendung]
five dollar word <$5 word>[hochgestochenes / geschraubtes Wort, d. h. allzu anspruchsvoll und schwer verständlich]
to not have a good word to say for sb.keinen guten Faden an jdm. lassen [Redewendung]
and now for a word from our sponsor <ANFAWFOS>und nun eine Nachricht von unserem Sponsor
to put in a good word for sb. (with / to sb.) [idiom]für jdn. ein gutes Wort (bei jdm.) einlegen [Redewendung]
quote Must is not a word to be used to princes! Little man, little man, if your late father were here he would never dare utter such a word. [Elizabeth I]Kleiner Mann, kleiner Mann, das Wort "müssen" ziemt sich nicht, wenn man mit Fürsten spricht. (Euer seliger Vater hätte hier niemals gewagt, solch ein Wort in den Mund zu nehmen.) [Elisabeth I.]
politically incorrect word <PI word>politisch inkorrektes Wort {n} <PI-Wort>
RadioTV F The L WordThe L WordWenn Frauen Frauen lieben
ling. numeral [word]Zahlwort {n}
established {adj} [word, phrase]gängig
comp. indented {adj} [word processing]eingerückt
inexpressive {adj} [word, style]blass
meaningless {adj} [word, phrase]inhaltsleer
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A 2019-11-23: PS: Word for word, this glossary comes in handy
A 2012-10-23: I didn't expect Sasso to just add +Polizei+ to +Kaution+ - I know word for...
A 2011-12-17: Dictionaries include idioms / short sentences that sound quite differently...
A 2011-04-10: :-)) Almost word for word (and I didn't notice the link).
A 2010-03-12: One translates for the general meaning, not word for word.
A 2009-11-22: Kunde ist König can't be translated word for word.
A 2009-01-21: Word for word / Wort für Wort / verbatim / κατὰ λέξιν: Statutory Accident ...
A 2008-02-03: not word for word, I think preventative skincare products is more exact there.
A 2007-05-23: not word for word, but how about:
A 2007-03-25: I'm always in favour of not slavishly translating word for word ...
A 2006-12-14: Less word for word
A 2006-07-23: yes, it is word for word
A 2006-07-23: my teacher always said WORD FOR WORD
Q 2003-11-26: dead in the water - the expression, not a word for word translation

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