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English-German Dictionary

English-German translation for: work against each other
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Deutsch - Englisch

Dictionary English German: work against each other

Translation 1 - 50 of 4538  >>

Keywords contained
to work against each othergegeneinander arbeiten
Partial Matches
against each other {adv}aneinander
against each other {adv}gegeneinander
to bump against each otherzusammenstoßen
to check against each othermiteinander vergleichen
to hold against each otheraneinander halten [alt]
to hold against each otheraneinanderhalten
to lean against each otheraneinander lehnen
sports to play against each othergegeneinander spielen
to knock / strike against each otheraufeinander schlagen [alt]
to knock / strike against each otheraufeinanderschlagen
tech. to lie flush against each otherbündig aneinander / zueinander liegen
to use violence against each othersich gegenseitig Gewalt antun
to wage war against each othersich bekriegen
to correct each other's worksich gegenseitig verbessern
each other {pron}einander
each other {adv}gegenseitig
each other {pron}sich [einander]
to each other {adv}zueinander
about each other {adv}übereinander [reden etc.]
about each other {adv}umeinander
among each other {adv}untereinander
around each other {adv}umeinander
before each other {adv}voreinander
consulting each othersich beratend
for each other {adv}füreinander
from each other {adv}voneinander
into each other {adv}ineinander
of each other {adv}voneinander
opposite each other {adv}voreinander
round each other {adv}umeinander
with each other {adv}miteinander
without each other {adv}ohneeinander
to abuse each othersich gegenseitig beschimpfen
to accompany each othersich gegenseitig begleiten
to accompany each otherzusammen gehen
to accuse each othersich gegenseitig beschuldigen
to acknowledge each othersich gegenseitig erkennen
to adjoin each otheraneinander grenzen [alt]
to adjoin each otheraneinandergrenzen
to annul each othersich gegenseitig aufheben
to approach each otheraufeinander zutreten
to attack each othersich gegenseitig beschimpfen
to back each othersich gegenseitig stützen
to balance each othersich die Waage halten
climbing to belay each othereinander sichern
climbing to belay each othersichAkk. (gegenseitig) sichern
to bite each othereinander beißen
to bite each othersich gegenseitig beißen
to cancel each othersich gegenseitig aufheben
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