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English-German Dictionary

English-German translation for: work along sth.
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Deutsch - Englisch

Dictionary English German: work along sth

Translation 1 - 50 of 43333  >>

Keywords contained
to work along sth.sichAkk. an etw.Dat. entlangarbeiten
Partial Matches
to amble along sth.etw.Akk. entlang flanieren
to amble along sth.etw.Akk. entlangflanieren
to amble along sth.etw.Akk. entlangschlendern
to carry sth. alongetw.Akk. mitführen [Dokumente etc.] [bei sich haben]
to go along sth.an etw.Dat. entlanggehen [geh.]
to help sth. alongetw.Dat. nachhelfen
to hurry sth. alongetw. vorantreiben
traffic to motor along sth.etw.Akk. entlangfahren [Person]
to pass sth. alongetw. weiterreichen
to run along sth.etw.Akk. entlanglaufen [im Lauftempo]
to scramble along sth.etw.Akk. entlangkraxeln [ugs.]
to stride along (sth.)(an / auf etw.Dat.) dahinschreiten [geh.] [gemessenen, langen Schrittes]
to trudge along sth.etw. entlangtrotten
to walk along (sth.)(an / auf etw.Dat.) dahingehen [geh.] [gemessenen Schrittes]
to walk along sth.an etw.Dat. langgehen [ugs.] [an etw. entlanggehen] [z. B. am Bach, am Ufer]
to walk along sth.etw.Akk. entlanglaufen [an etw. entlanggehen]
to wander along sth.an etw.Dat. entlangwandern
sb./sth. walked alongjd./etw. lief ab
to drag sb./sth. alongjdn./etw. mitschleifen
to slide along sb./sth.an jdm./etw. entlanggleiten
to take sb./sth. alongjdn./etw. mitnehmen
as sth. goes along {adv}im Laufe von etw.Dat. [des Kurses, der Verhandlungen, des Lebens, etc.]
to come along with sth.mit etw.Dat. einhergehen
to get along with sth.mit etw.Dat. auskommen
to get along without sth.ohne etw.Akk. auskommen
to get along without sth.ohne etw.Akk. zurechtkommen
to go along with sth.bei etw.Dat. mitziehen [ugs.] [Plänen etc.]
to go along with sth.mit etw.Dat. einhergehen
to get along with sb./sth.mit jdm./etw. zurechtkommen
to go along with sb./sth.jdm./etw. zustimmen
to help sb. (along) (with sth.)jdn. (bei etw.Dat.) weiterbringen
to drag sth. along behind oneetw.Akk. hinter sichDat. herziehen
to get along fine without sth.ohne etw.Akk. bestens zurechtkommen
to have known sth. all alongetw.Akk. schon immer gewusst haben
to drag sb./sth. along [also fig.]jdn./etw. mitschleppen [auch fig.] [ugs.]
to drive along sth. [person; motor vehicle]etw.Akk. entlangfahren [Person; Kraftfahrzeug]
to stroll along sth. [the street etc.]etw.Akk. entlangschlendern [die Straße etc.]
to scrape along on sth. [coll.] [idiom]sich schlecht und recht mit etw.Dat. durchschlagen [ugs.] [Redewendung]
sb./sth. has / had walked alongjd./etw. ist / war abgelaufen
to drag sb./sth. along behind onejdn./etw. hinter sichDat. herzerren
to get dragged along by sb./sth.von jdm./etw. mitgezerrt werden
to give sb. sth. to take alongjdm. etw. mit auf den Weg geben
to slide one's gaze along sth.etw.Akk. entlangblicken
to tear sth. along the dotted lineetw. an / entlang der punktierten Linie abtrennen
to walk along the length of sth.etw. abschreiten
Unverified to hustle sb. along sth. [e.g. street]jdn. etw.Akk. hinuntertreiben [z. B. Straße]
to go along with sth. [e.g. reform, compromise]etw.Akk. mittragen [z. B. Reform, Kompromiss]
to move (along) with sth. [e.g. hair cross, symbol]mitwandern [sich bewegen]
to sway along to sth. [a song] [as a single person]etw.Akk. mitschunkeln [regional] [ein Lied]
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