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Dictionary English German: world's

Translation 1 - 33 of 33


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world's best {adj}weltbeste
world's first {adj}allererster
world's largest {adj}weltgrößte
world's leading {adj} [attr.]weltweit führend
world's longest {adj}weltlängste
world's smallest {adj}weltkleinste
2 Words: Nouns
(world's) oceansWeltmeere {pl}
world's endWeltenende {n}
world's fairWeltausstellung {f}
hist. pol. world's policemanWeltpolizist {m}
world's populationWeltbevölkerung {f}
journ. world's pressWeltpresse {f}
3 Words: Others
The world's greatest ...Der weltbeste ...
3 Words: Nouns
econ. the world's factory [fig.] [China]die Werkbank {f} der Welt [fig.] [China]
curr. fin. world's dominant currencyWeltleitwährung {f}
world's largest collectiongrößte Sammlung {f} der Welt
econ. world's number oneWeltmarktführer {m}
world's number oneweltweite Nummer {f} eins
4 Words: Nouns
1873 Vienna World's FairWeltausstellung {f} 1873 Wien
1873 Vienna World's FairWiener Weltausstellung {f} 1873
econ. fin. the world's financial systemdas Weltfinanzsystem {n}
world's #1 ranked golferweltrangerster Golfspieler {m}
world's largest glacial cavegrößte Eishöhle {f} der Welt
comm. econ. world's leading trade fairWeltleitmesse {f}
econ. world's leading trade showWeltleitmesse {f}
relig. World's Parliament of Religions [1893]Weltparlament {n} der Religionen
5+ Words: Others
lit. quote theatre All the world's a stage, and all the men and women merely players. [W. Shakespeare: As You Like It]Die ganze Welt ist Bühne // Und alle Fraun und Männer bloße Spieler. [Übers. A. W. Schlegel]
5+ Words: Nouns
sports world's no. 2-ranked tennis player [female]weltrangzweite Tennisspielerin {f}
Fiction (Literature and Film)
film F It Happened at the World's Fair [Norman Taurog]Ob blond - ob braun
film F Pirates of the Caribbean: At World's End [Gore Verbinski]Fluch der Karibik 3 / Pirates of the Caribbean - Am Ende der Welt
film F The World's Fastest Indian [Roger Donaldson]Mit Herz und Hand
lit. F Too Much and Never Enough - How my family created the world's most dangerous man [Mary L. Trump]Zu viel und nie genug - Wie meine Familie den gefährlichsten Mann der Welt erschuf
lit. F World's End [T. C. Boyle]World's End
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Q 2016-01-17: World's most "livable" countries
A 2015-07-08: World's largest
A 2015-02-09: PS: Tokio, 'the world's most populated city with 33.9 million residents' i...
A 2015-01-06: A word play on First World's Problems.
A 2015-01-05: Surf World's problems
A 2014-04-20: The world's a guest at CAMPUS - join us as well!
Q 2013-02-24: Did you know that East Frisians had the world's highest per capita consump...
Q 2011-06-17: the world's final frontiers
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A 2010-09-14: On their way to becoming the world's greatest producer of cars, Volkswagen...
Q 2009-12-03: share of this world's goods
A 2009-10-08: world-first / world's first
A 2009-07-11: and kept growing, until it would claim the controversial fame of owning th...
Q 2009-07-11: ,... growing to claim the dubious distinction of owning the world's larges...
A 2009-01-26: Which lead to the world's most famous "Maschendrahtzaun"
A 2008-11-24: Confirm: world's leading exporter
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A 2008-03-27: mit Apostroph bitte: world's
Q 2008-01-10: One in five of the world's population...
Q 2007-08-21: The World'S Finest Productivity Innovations"

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