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English-German Dictionary

English-German translation for: worming tablet
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Deutsch - Englisch

Dictionary English German: worming tablet

Translation 1 - 50 of 114  >>

NOUN   a worming tablet | worming tablets
pharm. worming tabletWurmtablette {f} [ugs.] [Entwurmungstablette]
Partial Matches
worming {adj} {pres-p}kriechend
worming a secret out of sb. {pres-p}jdm. ein Geheimnis entlockend
pharm. tabletMedikament {n}
pharm. tabletPille {f}
pharm. tabletTablette {f}
tablet [commemorative]Gedenktafel {f}
comp. tablet [computer]Tablet {n} [kurz für: Tablet-PC]
tablet [slab]Tablett {n} [selten] [Tafel]
med. tablet-dependent {adj}tablettenpflichtig
med. pharm. aspirin tabletAspirintablette {f}
cosmet. bath tabletBadetablette {f}
pharm. bilayer tabletZweischichttablette {f}
archaeo. spec. bone tabletKnochenblättchen {n}
bronze tabletBronzetafel {f}
chem. med. buffer tabletPuffertablette {f}
pharm. carbon tabletBrausetablette {f}
pharm. charcoal tabletKohletablette {f}
pharm. chewable tabletKautablette {f}
gastr. chocolate tabletSchokoladetablette {f}
archaeo. clay tabletTontafel {f}
drugs pharm. cocaine tabletKokaintablette {f}
commemorative tabletErinnerungstafel {f}
pharm. cough tabletHustentablette {f}
archaeo. cuneiform tabletKeilschrifttafel {f}
hist. relig. curse tabletFluchtafel {f}
pharm. deworming tabletEntwurmungstablette {f}
digitizer tabletDigitalisiertablett {n}
digitizer tabletGraphiktablett {n}
dishwasher tabletGeschirrspültab {n}
dishwasher tabletSpültab {n}
comp. drawing tabletGrafiktablett {n}
drugs ecstasy tabletEcstasy {f} [Tablette]
pharm. effervescent tabletBrausetablette {f}
pharm. fizzy tabletBrausetablette {f}
archaeo. spec. gold tabletGoldblättchen {n}
graph tabletGrafik-Tablett {n}
graph tabletGrafiktablett {n}
graph tabletGraphiktablett {n}
graphical tabletGrafiktablett {n}
graphics tabletGrafiktablett {n}
comp. graphics tabletGraphiktablett {n} [Rsv.]
pharm. headache tabletKopfschmerztablette {f}
pharm. headache tabletKopfwehtablette {f} [ugs.]
inscription tabletInschriftentafel {f}
pharm. iodine tabletJodtablette {f}
art ivory tabletElfenbeintafel {f}
pharm. orodispersible tabletSchmelztablette {f}
hist. math. Salamis TabletSalaminische Tafel {f}
chem. gastr. pharm. salt tabletSalztablette {f}
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