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English-German translation for: worn
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Dictionary English German: worn

Translation 1 - 50 of 119  >>

English German
VERB  to wear | wore | worn ... 
SYNO   careworn | drawn | haggard ... 
worn {adj} [threadbare, etc.]
worn {adj} {past-p} [dressed in]
getragen [Kleidung]
worn {adj} {past-p} [threadbare]
worn {adj} [exhausted]
worn {adj} [tattered, etc.]
worn {adj} [tattered, etc.]
ausgeleiert [ugs.] [Gummi]
worn {adj} {past-p} [tyre, tire]
abgefahren [Reifen]
worn {past-p} [on the head]
aufgehabt [ugs.]
worn {adj} [pages]
zerlesen [Seiten]
worn {adj} {past-p} [not new]
übertragen [österr.] [gebraucht, getragen]
2 Words: Others
(worn) shiny {adj} {past-p}blank gewetzt
age-worn {adj}altersschwach
cloth. already worn {adj}schon getragen
badly worn {adj}abgetragen
badly worn {adj}mit starken Gebrauchsspuren [nachgestellt]
shop-worn {adj}leicht benutzt
shop-worn {adj}nur leicht beschädigt
time-worn {adj}abgenutzt
weather-worn {adj}verwittert
weather-worn {adj}wettergeplagt [selten] [wettergegerbt]
well-worn {adj}abgedroschen [ugs.]
well-worn {adj}abgetragen [Kleidung]
well-worn {adj}abgewetzt
well-worn {adj} [trite]abgelutscht [ugs.]
well-worn {adj} [shoes]ausgetreten [Schuhe]
wind-worn {adj}windgegerbt
wind-worn {adj}vom Wind verwittert
world-worn {adj} [lit.]lebensmüde [erschöpft vom Leben, des Lebens überdrüssig]
worn (out) {adj} [apartment, brush, broom]abgerockt [ugs.] [abgenutzt, schäbig, heruntergekommen]
worn down {adj} {past-p}abgenutzt
worn down {adj} {past-p}ermattet
worn down {adj} {past-p} [heels]abgelaufen [Absätze]
worn down {adj} {past-p} [also: demoralised, demoralized]zermürbt [auch: aufgerieben, ermattet]
worn down {adj} {past-p} [by job etc.]aufgerieben [von der Arbeit etc.]
worn inconspicuously {adj} {past-p}unsichtbar getragen [z. B. Hörgerät]
worn out {adj}abgekämpft
worn out {adj} {past-p}abgenutzt
worn out {adj} {past-p}abgetakelt
worn out {adj} {past-p}abgetragen
worn out {adj} {past-p}angegriffen [geschwächt]
worn out {adj} {past-p}ausgelaugt
worn out {adj} {past-p}ausgepowert [ugs.]
worn out {adj} {past-p}ermattet [erschöpft]
worn out {adj}todmüde [ugs.]
worn out {adj}verbraucht
worn out {adj}verschlissen
worn out {adj} {past-p} [horse]ausgemergelt
worn out {adj} [person]mitgenommen [fig.]
worn out {adj} [phrase]abgedroschen [ugs.]
worn out {adj} [also fig.]geschafft [regional] [erschöpft]
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A 2024-10-20: ... and the well-worn derivative verb is +hierarchize+
A 2020-05-22: worn out
Q 2019-06-16: nicht im Wörterbuch: ausgeschlagen [Gelenk, Lager] - worn out / worn-out
A 2017-02-19: worn to the bones
Q 2017-02-19: worn to the bones
A 2016-07-15: angezogen: hier +getragen+ - when worn
A 2016-07-11: clichés/platitudes/worn-out ideas?
Q 2015-10-26: Ornithologie, englisch: "worn"
A 2015-03-04: Then there is +ancient Roman decadence+ - a well-worn cliché
Q 2014-07-05: worn
A 2014-06-24: to be worn out
A 2013-06-08: I would agree with RedRufus: total number of coins with worn heads.
A 2012-07-08: butterfly with worn wings - - - häufiger: butterfly with damaged wings
A 2012-03-13: I don't think "well-worn" applies here.
A 2011-10-30: You are right, Joanne - +vom Dienst,+ however, is a well-worn cliché many ...
A 2011-04-16: +bourgeois self-hatred+ is a well worn cliché
A 2011-02-16: I've seen *abgängig* used (incorrectly?) as "worn out / defective."
A 2010-11-25: Q: What's worn under a kilt?
A 2010-10-28: ... look at pics from politician before and after/now .... worn out .... ...
A 2010-10-12: Could well be a "scalplock" worn by the warriors of some Eastern tribes (l...

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